Chapter 5

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When Pythagorias Trio arrived, they were surprised to see the others looking at them with a worried expression.

Nagi asked "What's wrong?" the others look at each other and it finally clicked... The trio immediately checked their phones and they were shocked.Mitsuki said "But... How did they know what we were talking about?"

Yamato said "Someone must've heard out conversation," Mitsuki exclaimed frustrated "Ugh! What do wrong with them?!" and walked into his room with wrath and slammed the door.

Yamato and Nagi were also annoyed... They went to their own rooms quietly. The others were also sick of it... Tamaki said as he was ready to cry "I don't like this,"

Riku asked "Did we do something wrong to the fans for them to hate us this much?" Iori said "I also don't know... But, this is already more than frustrating,"

The room went silent and suddenly the door opens and they saw Tsumugi with a worried expression and said "They already read it, right?" the silence answered her question.

Even if the others wanted to do something to help, they couldn't as they also feel upset about this kind of situation. Tsumugi was more that furious already she thought 'We have to move faster... It's ruining their reputations more'

Sogo said "I'm so sick of this... I just hope they tell us what we did wrong and we can fix this," the others just kept silent.

Nagi POV~

I sit on my bed and memories from my homeland comes to me. I'm so tired of all this... Do they think that it's easy being a prince of a certain country?

People expecting so much from you and royal families judging the way you speak infront of other people.

I don't even know anymore if escaping from my country was the right option for me to be free. I only wanted to become like other teenagers who live a normal and happy life. And I guess that was too much to ask.

Yamato POV~

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. I thought to myself 'Yes... They're right that I've joined this group for revenge but... As I spent more time with them... I've realized how important my friends are to me... I realized that using them just for a stupid revenge was idiotic'

I sigh and thought 'What should I do? If I can't even defend myself, then how will I defend the others?'

Mitsuki POV~

I lay on my bed and thought 'Satisfying my own ego? I wanted to become an idol like Zero and to achieve my dreams... Well, they may be right but... I've realized that without them, I won't be where I am today... Why can't people get that?'

I closed my eyes as memories from my past comes back to me.

Trigger and Aya~

They read it... They can't take the wrath anymore... Ryuu exclaimed "Why are they taking too long looking for those people?!"

Tenn says "This has to be stopped before it gets even worst," Gaku said "This means war,"

Aya asked "What do we do? Their image are ruined," they were furious. They felt annoyed that they can't even help Idolish7 after all the things they have done for them.


They also read the articles... Momo said "Shall I learn karate?" Yuki said "I think I too shall learn karate," Ozaki who was there said "I think it's better to stick to hunting them down and sending them to jail,"

Momo said "No! That's not enough," Yuki agrees "They need to be killed," Ozaki sighed as he was continuing on his work.

Yuki suddenly says "I feel like that something bad is going to happen," Momo agrees "Same... I hope it's just our imagination though,"

Banri, Tsumugi and Otoharu~

They were talking about this situation...

"How is it going?" Otoharu asked and Tsumugi replies "No good... Whenever we get close to finally finding them, we get hacked... Same goes for the two other agencies,"

Banri said "It also looks like their reputation is ruined," Otoharu said "This is bad... Really bad," and continues "If we don't find them soon... Things would get worst,"

Banri and Tsumugi looked at each other with a worried expression.


They except Pythagorias Trio are sitting on the couch, the articles began to spread faster than before. Iori said "I hope everything goes well for next months concert,"

The others nod in response. The room went silent once again, Tamaki said "I feel bad for them," Sogo agrees "Me too," Riku says "But what can we do? We are also going through the same thing," they were surprised to hear the statement.

They couldn't argue with it because, it's true that they are going through the same situation and pretending that they are okay with it is hard for them.

The only thing they can do now is wait for those people to get caught... Before, things get bloody.


I'm sorry Idolish7! I know I'm so mean to you but, I'm pretty sure they'll find those bastards soon.

I also noticed that things are going so fast but, I'll handle it🙃

See you next chapter!🙂

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