Chapter 8

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They were horrified to the point that, they can't even move a muscle. Aya runs to Tamaki exclaiming "Tamaki-oniichan!" the teen turned his head and said "Aya?"

Tenn was in panic. He held Riku close to his chest, he turned back exclaimed "Where's the damn ambulance?!" Riku's bleeding head leaned into his older brothers chest staining it with blood.

Iori rushed to their side and exclaiming "Nanase-san!" Sogo supports Tamaki as they stand up. Mitsuki exclaimed "Why is that ambulance taking too long?!" Tenn noticed that Riku's breathing has become weaker.

Tenn panics more, hugged Riku tighter, shut his eyes tight and exclaimed "Anyone! Please! HELP RIKU!" Ryu exclaimed "The ambulance arrived!" they took Riku away along with Tamaki. They head to the hospital and waited for the doctor.

As they were waiting, they were shaking. Tamaki was in another room with Iori and Ryu. Once the doctor arrived, Tenn asked anxiously "H-how's Riku?" the doctor replies "He's fine... He's still unconscious though,"

Momo said with an angry tone "We need to find her... Or them..." Yuki agrees "The situation is getting worst,"

Nagi said "I hope Riku's okay," Yamato sighed and said "We should check on Tamaki," and Tenn said "I'll go see Riku," and enters his room. His breath hitched when he saw Riku laying on the bed looking peaceful.

He sat beside him and heard someone come in. He turned his head and saw ReVale and Yamato enter the room. Yuki asked worried "How is he?" Tenn said "Still unconscious,"

After a while, the others entered the room. They took a seat and Tamaki said beginning to tear up "I'm scared... I don't like this," Nagi said "They're already out of the line," Momo said "We'll make sure to find her... Or them,"

Tenn was holding the hand of Riku tightly and suddenly felt a movement, he turned his head and saw Riku awake "Call a doctor!" Ryu ran outside to call for a doctor. Riku sat up and remembered what happened, he began shaking and said "Tenn-nii... I'm scared,"

Tenn said as he pats his head "Don't worry... We'll find those bastards," Idolish7 went quiet, they wondered why people hate them, to the point of trying to kill them. The others thought as they felt their gloomy aura ' Let's get this over with... Once I find those bastards... They'll pay once and for all! '

Meanwhile, Tsumugi asked for the CCTV footage from backstage during the concert. She watched every second and something caught her attention.

She rewinds it. She paused in a certain scene and saw someone... She immediately contacted the other two managers. Tsumugi said "I've got a lead,"

Time Skip (P.S: Author doesn't know what should happen next)

The two idols decided to 'guard' Idolish7 24/7, Yamato asked "Aren't you guys being overprotective?" Momo said "Psh... Nonsense!" Riku was laying his head on Tenn's lap while Tamaki was hugging his sister.

Tsumugi and the two managers enter the room and exclaimed in unison "We've found those bi-bastards!" they all except Tamaki, Aya and Riku sweat drop (Keep your innocence). Ryu exclaimed "Really?!"

Asenagi said "Yup... In fact, we sent people find them and bring them to us," and the gave a sinister smile. Idolish7 felt that the other people inside the dormitory were planning something deadly.

Iori mumbled "I hope that they'll still be alive when you find them," Yamato said "I hope you don't turn into criminals," Ryu said with a deadly aura "Who said we were gonna kill them? We'll just 'talk' peacefully,"

Mitsuki said "Do you even know what the meaning of 'peacefully' is?" Yuki said "Of course we do~" Sogo said "Don't hurt them," Tsumugi said "We managers should get going,"

Asenagi agrees "Yup, I think we should get going," Ozaki said "Let's go now then," the managers left with a deadly aura. They all thought ' May they rest in peace '

Riku asked "Can I remove the bandage now?" Tenn said "No," and the redhead pouts and mumbles "It doesn't hurt anymore," Aya asked "How's your ankle?" Tamaki replied "All good,"

Time Skip~

The next day, Trigger and ReVale are still 'guarding' them. And as they were talking with each other. The door bursts open. Gaku asked "What's wrong?" Tsumugi said with a 'sweet' smile "Found them~"

Momo asked "Already?!" the managers nod. Yuki asked "Where are they?" Asenagi said "You don't want to know," Idolish7 mumbled "I wonder if they're still alive," Tenn said "Take me to them,"

Riku exclaimed "Wait! Don't kill them!" ignoring what Riku said, the managers, Trigger and ReVale left the dormitory and head to where the bastards are. Iori said "We should follow them," the others nod and dashed out.

They were able to find the location and they enter the building, as they were walking looking for where they were. They heard screams. They look at each other and ran.

They stopped when they saw the managers, ReVale and Trigger go out of a room. Their face paled and Tamaki said "A-are they dead?"

Tsumugi said "Why don't you enter and see for yourselves?" they look at each other and enter the room. They were shocked to see that the people the caught looked so pale as if they've seen a ghost.

Nagi said "Over kill desu~" Yamato said "I knew it... They would go overboard," Sogo said "A-at least they won't bother us anymore," they nod in agreement.

They go out of the room. And Tenn said with a sweet smile "Shall we head out for lunch?" and the others smile sweetly. Idolish7 exchange glances and thought...

' At least it's over '



That's all for this story...

Me: My beloved readers! You may now do whatever you want to those bastards who hurt Idolish7!

Idolish7: (• ▽ •;)


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