Chapter 2

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Next Day~

Tsumugi enters, went to the living room and asked as she saw no sign of Tamaki and Riku "Are Tamaki-san and Riku-san okay?" Yamato replied "I don't think so,"

Mitsuki said worried "They didn't even come out of their rooms to eat breakfast and Tamaki didn't even eat any pudding," Tsumugi looked at them one by one with a sad expression...

Nagi did not even bother turning the television on to watch his favorite anime, Sogo who liked things organized did not even clean, Yamato who loved beer did not even touch one, Iori who usually nags about ridiculous things didn't say anything, and Mitsuki who loved bragging about Zero didn't talk about him at all.

Tsumugi clenched her fists tight and thought 'This is too much... I can't bare looking at them this devastated' she turned around and said "I'll make sure that we find those people... I promise you that,"

The others were just silent, not knowing what to do in this kind of situation.

Riku POV~

I lay on my bed, curled into a ball and stare outside the window and thought 'Why can't they just let us live a happy life?'

I closed my eyes and dreamed about me and Tenn-nii when we were still a child. We looked really happy together although, that happiness did not last long.

Tamaki POV~

I lay on my bed looking at the photo of me and Aya when we still young, I thought 'If Aya sees me like this... Would she be disappointed in me?'

I put the photo down and let the sleepiness take over. I dreamt of me and Aya playing together with a smile and suddenly couples wanted to separate us and no matter how fast I ran, I couldn't reach her.

Trigger and Aya~

Aya was pacing with a worried expression about Idolish7, especially her older brother... As new rumors began to rise, the more she became restless.

Trigger were sitted on the couch with a scary face expressions that could kill people, they just finished reading the new rumors about Idolish7...

'How can we ever trust Idolish7 when they can't even trust each other?'

'The fact that they have an innocent center is revolting'

'Why can't they just disband?!'

'Hearing loving comments about this group is laughable'

'It's hilarious that they can't even defend themselves from anti-fans'

'Girls love them just because, of their charming looks'

Ryuu who couldn't take it anymore exclaimed "Ugh! We have to help them!" Aya agrees "I can't stand these bastards anymore!"

The door opens and they saw Asenagi who said "We nearly found out who those people were BUT.... Someone hacked into our system... Which means we have to start from square one,"

Tenn exclaimed pissed "For goodness sake! We can't just sit here and do nothing!" Gaku agrees "We have to do something," Asenagi sighs and says "I think you need to worry more about their mental and emotional health more,"

The four raised an eyebrow... And Asenagi says "Yotsoba Tamaki and Nanase Riku haven't left their rooms ever since yesterday," their eyes widen in shock.

Tenn and Aya ran and said "I have to go!" Gaku and Ryuu sighed and exclaimed running after the duo "Oi! Wait for us!"


Ozaki was busy trying to find for the haters and suddenly Momo and Yuki enters and asked in unison for the third time this day "Did you find them?"

Ozaki sighs and says "Not yet and it seems that they have hacked into our system," Momo exclaimed "What?!"

Ozaki said "Yes... Not only our system but also the systems of Idolish7 and Trigger," Yuki exclaimed "Then we should do something already!"

Ozaki's phone rings, he picks it up... And in the middle of the phone call his face wore a worried expression. And once he puts it down, Yuki asked "What's wrong?"

Ozaki replies "Idolish7's Nanase Riku and Yotsoba Tamaki did not leave their rooms... Not even to eat breakfast," Yuki and Momo were now REALLY worried and they ran out and head to Idolish7 dormitory.

Trigger and Aya arrived at the dormitory, Tenn pressed the doorbell. And then someone opens the door and saw it was Iori... He usually looks surprised but, now he just looked gloomy.

"Ah... Trigger and Kujo Aya,"

Tenn asked "Where is Riku?" Iori gave way for them so that they can enter and says "Yotsoba-san and Nanase-san are inside their rooms,"

When they entered they felt the gloomy aura of the members. Gaku and Ryuu decided to comfort them while Tenn and Aya will handle their siblings.

Aya knocks on Tamaki's door and he just replied "I said leave me alone," Aya inhaled and said "Tamaki-oniichan... It's me, Aya," once she said that, the door unlocked.

Aya opens the door and saw his brother under the blanket... She asked "Are you okay?" Tamaki did not reply. Aya was worried so she said "I've read the rumors about the group and and you," and she continues "I still love you and nothing can change that,"

Tamaki peeks under his blanket and says "Really?" Aya says "Of course," and gave a gentle smile. Tamaki cried as he hugged his sister. Aya rubbed the back of his brother and whispered sweet words into his ears but, in mind she thought...

'I'll make sure that those people who posted those rumors... WILL NEVER GET TO SEE DAYLIGHT EVER AGAIN!'


I hope you enjoyed that!🙂

See ya!

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