Epologue: To Be Continued...

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Hey! This would be considered the Epologue and it isn't really about anything good or bad. I was reading through the story and I  have brainstormed something up. I've been so busy and I've improved in my writing, and I feel like I'll do much better than I've done before. I won't write in character pov. I'm writing in Author pov. But I'm not writing it in bold. I hope you enjoy.

Millie sat down and awaited her ultrasound results. She thought about what her baby would look like. But pictures of that blonde boy popped into her brain. And he had the name Caliban.

  Since her near-death experience, he's been visiting Millie in her dreams, but she's never gotten any background information about him. She blinked her eyes, feeling the urge to sleep. As her head fell down, she appeared in the dark space.

"Millie, I don't have much time. I know you have no idea what's going on, but I'm here for you."

"What are you talking about, Caliban? What's wrong?"

"Millie, I never told you my name? How are you aware?"

"Because I know I'm your mother and not just someone you guard. But you shouldn't be here, son. Your soul should be in your body," Millie frowned. "That baby isn't me, Millie. I'm not your son."

"What do you mean?" She asked him. "I can't tell you that. I'd be breaking one of the laws of the universe by doing that, Millie. I have to go. I don't have much time."

Millie fell down to the ground. She began to bleed. "Caliban, what's happening to me?"

"Damn it! Millie, I wanted to prevent this. But if I did, I would've stopped something really important. Look!" He pointed towards a car. It was tipped over. "Wait, that's Finn's car. What happened? Is he inside? Am I inside?"

Her eyes blinked open, and she cried out. "FINN! Baby, what you okay?"
He groaned and opened his eyes softly. "Finn, we're trapped in here."
Millie's legs had blood on them. So much blood coming out. "Finn, I think I lost the baby," she whispered. "HELP! HELP! HELP!"

The brunette looked over to Finn. He had glass shards in his stomach. He was bleeding and his leg was caught up in the car's closed door. Millie's side was crushed completely. She prayed to God that someone would help them out of this ruckus.

Once she realized that no one was going to help them, she attempted to get up. She tried to climb out on Finn's side. Millie, push the door open with your feet. She followed the directions of Caliban in her head. She sat back, next to Finn, and plunged her feet, kicking it with all of her strength. It wasn't working. She kicked again! And again! And again! "COME ON!" she cried out.

Once last time with full force. It kicked open, releasing Finn's crushed leg. He groaned. "Baby, I'm gonna get you out of here. We can do this together."

Millie crawled out of the car, kicking past the airbag. The car was tilting with Finn in it, and if she didn't grab him now, he was going to die. The brunette pulled his arms, grabbing his body out of the car and falling back with him. When she cupped his cheek with her other hand, she screamed. It was broken. And it hurt a hell of a lot.

A car was rolling past, finally! Millie raised her arms and waved her hands around, even though one of them were broken. She sobbed, screaming for help.

Her head was pounding! "Miss, are you alright? Dana, get her into the car, I'll help him." The nice man directed. A brown-skinned girl that Millie figured to be Dana helped her into the car. "You're pregnant,"

"Not anymore. I feel it." She replied. "Dad, please hurry. We have to get to the Hospital immediately."
Dana panicked. Her father helped Finn into the backseat with Millie and they drove off the other way. "Miss, I have to ask you questions in order to make sure you stay awake. Are you with me?"

"Yes," Millie replied. "What is your name?" Dana asked first. "Millie. Millie Brown." She replied. "Do you have any family?" Dana asked. "Yes. The only family I have is the man that I love. My parents are always busy, and my siblings are in London. My friends are most likely assholes who don't care about me anymore and I'm losing my memory, I think."

"How old are you?"
"I don't remember. I think I'm seventeen. I'm finishing school online and I was pregnant and now I'm not." She began to cry again as she held Finn's hand. "What's your name, Sir?"

"His name is Finn. He's seventeen, and he's the love of my life." Millie sat her head on Finn's chest and held him still. "You're going to be okay. We're going to the Hospital." His eyes opened as he heard her cry. "I love you, Millie."

"I love you, too, Finn."

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