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Opening the door, all of the Slytherins came tumbling inside—falling to the ground in a heap. Avery was the first one on his feet; a huge grin on his face; eyes sparkling with amusement. "How's the bloody prat... literally."

Seraphina heard Lestrange groan as he got to his feet. "Better without the lot of you here."

"Oh come on," teased Nott, "you know you love us."

All of the Slytherins came together in a big group hug; all saying things along the lines of how glad they are that each and every one of them was alive. Seraphina watched with a smile on her face, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. What they had amazed her, though she longed for such a relationship with others. It seemed like everyone else's happiness was a constant reminder of how she didn't fit in anywhere.

But one look back from Rosier changed that all. Because his arm dropped away from Mulciber and the two opened a space for her.

When Seraphina didn't automatically move, Nott groaned. "Oh come here, you idiot."

With a laugh, she slipped into the open space between Rosier and Mulciber; wrapping her arms around the two of them. But nothing good can ever say good, as the door opened once more.

Everyone pulled away from each other, turning toward the doorway. Standing there was Tom; his eyes raking over the group. Before he could say a word, Seraphina stalked over to him; grabbing him by the collar and shoving him back into the wall.


Seraphina didn't give him a chance to say anything as she pulled him away from the wall and shoved him onto the ground. She straddled Tom's torso; keeping him pinned down as her fist connected with his face.

Only did she stop striking Tom's face when she was pulled off of him. Though Seraphina wanted nothing more than to continue on; practically needed to. She watched as he slowly got to his feet; wiping the trickle of blood from his nose and meeting her gaze.

"You have some nerve," spat Seraphina as she was dragged even farther back.

He shrugged her off. "I could say the same thing about you, Angel. I mean, I could kill you if I so pleased."

"But of course you won't," she groaned, "because you want me to suffer, don't you?"

Tom smirked. "I'm glad you know me so well, Fina."

Seraphina snorted, "Obviously not, if I believed you wouldn't do such horrendous and unspeakable things."

"I'm surprised you haven't told on me yet," he sighed sarcastically. "I'd assume you'd go telling Professor Dumbledore as soon as you got the news."

She looked back to see Nott and Dolohov holding her back before trying to lunge at Tom again, though she didn't get very far. "No, I was too busy throwing up in my bathroom."

Tom nodded his head. "Ah, I feel as I should take that as a compliment."

Continuing to struggle in Nott and Dolohov's tight grip, Seraphina hissed, "That you are absolutely revolting? Sure, take it as a fucking compliment."

Instead of responding, the Slytherin Prefect diverted his attention to Lestrange. "I see you're all healed up."

"No thanks to you!" Seraphina roared. "You could've killed him."

Nodding his head, Tom said, "That was the point, was it not?" Before Seraphina could respond, he met Lestrange's eyes again. "Too bad you somehow managed to prevent the scarring. I would've enjoyed being able to see the word 'traitor' carved on your skin all day every day."

His Salvation ; Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now