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Walking back into his main dorm area, he found his angel passed out on his bed. Tom chuckled quietly to himself before walking over to her side. He gingerly cleaned her up with a wet cloth, making sure to not wake her up before going back with Scourgify to make sure he didn't miss anything. Grabbing a shirt that was much too big for her, Tom put it on her anyway, watching her chest rise and fall slowly.

She was perfect.

With a sigh, Tom walked to the other side of the bed and got underneath the bedsheets, maneuvering his angel so that she too, was covered by the blankets. It didn't take long for the Slytherin to feel his Hufflepuff burrow into his side. Chuckling quietly, he pulled her closer and pressed his lips to her forehead. "Goodnight, Angel."


Tom awoke to a knock on the door. His angel stirred against him but was luckily still asleep. Untangling their limbs, the Slytherin slipped out of the bed and walked to the door, running his fingers through his hair.

Tom should've known it would've been them. Standing in the doorway was Avery, Nott, Lestrange, Dolohov, Mulciber, and Rosier—all looking at him with unease.

The Slytherin Prefect rolled his eyes. "What do you oafs want?"

"Do you have any idea where Sera is?" Nott asked quickly.

Dolohov stepped forward. "Simone said she wasn't in her room all last night and she's freaking out."

"We've checked all of her normal places, but she's nowhere to be found," Rosier pointed out. "Have you spoken to her at all?"

"No," he lied with a shrug.

Lestrange suspiciously asked, "Any idea on where she could be?"

Tom raised a brow. "Have you checked the Forbidden Forest?"

Before any of them could answer, he heard his angel groan, "Why the fuck are you so loud, Thomas? What time is it anyway? If it's before nine I'm going to kill you. I'll take that stupid knife and fucking—"

He cleared his throat as he looked back. "Angel, can you... shut up?"

Tom watched as her eyes slowly fluttered open, looking toward the doorway. It took Seraphina a few moments to wrap her head around what she was seeing before grabbing the pillow next to her and slamming it into her face. Her screams were muffled by the pillow as she screamed for drawn-out seconds.

He was pulled outside and his door quickly shut. Glaring at Dolohov—the culprit of such actions—Tom snapped lowly, "What the fuck?"

"The questions shouldn't be what the fuck," laughed Avery. "It should be, did you fuck?"

Lestrange smirked smugly. "I can get behind that question."

Dolohov raised his hand. "I agree."

"It's obvious they shagged," said Rosier with a roll of his eyes.

"I don't remember asking for any of your opinions," Tom corrected. "For that reason alone—not including the many others I have—I will not be answering that question."

He saw Mulciber nudge Rosier, whispering, "We'll just ask her later."

Almost all of them walked away, leaving Tom and Nott standing outside his door. "Sera's our friend, Riddle. I know that doesn't mean much to you, but we like her, so please, just don't hurt her."

Tom shook his head. "I think you should go catch up with the others."

Without another word, Tom entered his room once more to see his angel sitting up in the bed, writing in his diary. Smirking to himself, he strode over to her side, trying to get a look at what she was writing about, though Seraphina quickly slammed the book shut, glaring up at him.

His Salvation ; Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now