After Mia was fast asleep in her cot, Emma raced downstairs and back outside where she had parked the car -- where Colton was still passed out in the passenger seat. 

Seeing him passed out against the window, with half his face pressed hard into the window, drooling, made Emma stop dead in her tracks with a scowl. She didn't know how she was going to easily get him into the house. She could use magic, it was safer to at this point since it was the dead of night and the neighbourhood seemed to be dead asleep. 

Emma opened the car door and had to quickly grab Colton, as he began to lean out and had she not grabbed him, he'd have plummeted straight into the ground. A small, short chuckle left Emma at the thought of it. 

She tried to grab Colton the way Draco had; pulling one of Colton's arms over her shoulder, and wrapping her other arm around his back. She managed to successfully pull him out of the car, and she gripped her wand, looking around for a moment in the dark, making sure no light was on, and no person was out and about. It seemed dead. 

Emma kept Colton around her in case she was wrong, and muttered a spell to levitate Colton to the point it looked like his feet were just dragging along the ground as she pulled him into the house. She threw him down on the couch, thinking that it would make him jolt awake -- it didn't. Colton let out a loud sound that was between a snort and a snore, and muttered in his sleep and wriggled further into the couch. 

Groaning with annoyance, but taking in a deep breath to calm herself, Emma lifted her wand and used magic to shut and lock the door. She noticed the kitchen window had the curtains open and quickly shut it from where she was standing with magic. Taking one last disgusted look at Colton, Emma shut all the lights off with her wand and headed on upstairs. 

So she was sleeping alone tonight, and, if she had it her way, for many more nights to come. 


The following Sunday, Emma was stuck at home when she was meant to be working. Normally, she would work weekends while Colton worked through the week with his 2 jobs -- at the Ministry, and with his job as a lawyer for Muggles. Saturdays they both worked -- Emma in the morning, Colton in the afternoon, so it was the perfect solution. But after a disturbing argument the night before over who gets to go to work, since his the urgency of his work call was 'more' important, and he earned 'more money' ... Colton won. 

Sometimes it felt like he preferred working over looking after his own daughter. But, as he would argue, this way he was looking after his daughter -- earning money to provide for her. While that was true, there was no denying he preferred to care for his daughter when he was away from her. 

It was a rainy day today, and as the morning turned into afternoon nothing changed. It had been a wet and rainy day since the early hours of the morning, mirroring Emma's emotions. She thought it to be perfect as she stood there with her hot cup of tea, staring out the window at all the rain, having no choice but to listen to the babies channel on the TV.

Mia squealed as she played in her Baby Playpen, using her arms to wriggle around her toy ladybug and her toy wand. Emma took this time, while Mia was distracted doing her own thing, to sit down and change the TV channel to anything other than a cartoon reciting the ABCs or singing about fruit and vegetables. 

Emma sighed as the news channel came on.

"...what could be strange cults appearing through Plymouth, Wiltshire, Liverpool and even stretching as far as Edinburgh, which includes a few reports of odd sightings across Ireland."

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