💔When all is lost, all is found❤

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This one shot is how merlin dealt with his feelings eith Arthur supposing to like Gwen. How ever fate took over destiny.


Merlin's PoV

I saw Gwen and Arthur laughing in the distance. My smile drops. You see, I have a crush on Arthur. I knew if I admitted to Arthur, the fate of Camelot would change. A tear falls down my cheek. I then turn around. I breath in. I then wipe my face. I then walk inside the castle. I then begin to help the cooks. "Why exactly did you come and help us?" Asks the head chef. "It looked like you needed it as the ball is coming up, so I wanted to help you." I say, covering up the actual truth. He then nods. "You can go then. And thank you, Merlin." He says. I smile, "Anytime!" I say. I turn around and walk to my room. I sigh. "Merlin, Why exactly did help the cooks?" Asks Bella. While catching up with me. "You know." I say. "Merlin, I want to know the truth. Remember your not the only one with- it." She says. I sigh. "Lets go to somewhere more private, then." I say. She nods. 

After finding a suitable room, We sit down. "So the real reason is that, I have a crush on Arthur and it will change the fate of Camelot if I told him." I say. She smiles, "So you wanted to help to take your mind of it." She says. I nod. "Well, You just have to come to terms with your feelings. Or hide them." She says. I smile, "Your the only one who understands me." I say. She smiles, "Well, After all, I am your twin." She says. I giggle. "See, there's my big bro." She says while nudging me. I smile, "Thank you Bella." I say. "Don't worry about it." She says. "Plus, I have gone through the same thing. We both had to hide our sexuality, me being Lesbian and you being Gay." She adds on. I nod, "People aren't the best under standers here." I say. She nods. "We better go and clean the horses." Says Bella. I nod. 

You see, if one twin has to work in the Royals, then the other twin does to. If they are the different sex, the girl will work as the same position as her brother but for the Queen or Princess. The brother will do the same but for the King or Prince. It was only 10 years ago the Royals let twins work for them as they thought they could conspire against the royals with their Twin telepathy. Every twin does have the telepathy, but me and Bella use it for anything really, News, Information and to spare time. 

After me and Bella finished cleaning up the horses, I walked back to mine and Gaius's room. "Hello Merlin." He says as I enter the room. "Hello Gaius." I say. "Do you want any lunch?" He says. "No Gaius I'm fine." I say. He looks at me. "You all ways eat. Are you sure?" He asks. "I'm fine, not really that hungry." I say as I walk up to my room. "Goodnight Merlin." He says. "Night." I say.  


In the morning, I walk to Arthur's Chambers. I rest the plate on his desk. I open the curtains, "Oi! Royal Prat! Wake up." I say trying to say it in my usual happy voice. He rolls over and throws a pillow at my face. I duck. "Sire, you need to get up! You have to go to a near by town, with the other knights!" I say just getting up from the floor. He sighs. He then gets out of bed. "Out!" He says. I nod and walk out of the room. 

The knights: 

Sir Palamedes,

Sir Lucan,

Sir Brunor le Noir (Sir Brunor the Black),

Sir Bleoberis de Gannes, 

Sir Bedivere, Sir Gareth, 

Sir Tristan, 

Sir Lionel *goes by Leon*
Sir Percival, 
Sir Gawain, 
Sir Lancelot, 
Sir Gallahad,

and lastly, 

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