13 - Fuck my life

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Have you ever cried so much you thought your eyes would never go back to their normal state? Ever believed your eyes were going to be bloodshot and puffy for the rest of your life? Because that is how I feel right now.

What's the point? What's the fucking point of anything? I tried, I fucking tried writing this down and letting it all go, but why? He's not gonna let me, he's not letting me go no matter how hard I try. He keeps chasing me as if fucking ripping my heart to shreds was a necessary part of his day-to-day life.

WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT?! Why, John? Why do you have this need to tear my soul into pieces?

I'm a fucking pin. I'm a plaster. I'm too positive. I'm too negative. I am NEVER fucking enough. Well, what about giving me a fucking break? I'm only human, I'm just... FUCK. I can not do this. I can't keep going. I just can't. I don't know how to. I don't remember how to breathe. I can feel my chest closing up, fuck. Fuck!

Deep breaths Sal, come on girl, you can fucking do this. But can I? How do I even? How do you pick up the pieces and put them back into place? How do you keep going when all you want is for everything to stop? For the world to stop turning.

Maybe I'm better off without the world, without the crushing feeling that's pushing me against the floor.

He's calling me again. I'm not picking up. I'm not fucking picking up.

Just leave me alone.

Leave. Please.

Just stop this John, stop this. Can't you see you're breaking both of us? Can't you see what you're doing? I just wished I cou

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