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Louis was practicing and learning dances to the concert for tonight when his phone started ringing. He knew that ringtone anywhere, he wished to hear it for the past year and a half. He jumped off the stage and ran to his phone. He ignore the boys yelling and Paul who was there to make sure this didn't happen. He ran and picked up the phone, putting it to his ear, " Emma?"

He tried to ignore the voice breaks and walked out of the room where he felt eyes burning into him. He could hear Emma crying on the other end and he had no doubt that he was crying as well. " Look," he started again, trying to swallow the lump in his throat, " Emma, I'm so sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it, please come back. We've all been worried about you."

Louis knew that Emma wanted to come home, she just wasn't strong enough to do it. She needed to be supported when she comes home. But after a few minutes of her not talking, " Please, say something? Let me know your okay."

Emma sniffled on the other side of the line, " I'm sorry."

" What-" are you sorry for.

When Louis pulled his phone away from his year to see the call ended. He growled and punched a wall, then slide down it. He started sobbing. He pressured her too much and she left, just like last time. He sat there for a few minutes before trying to call his mum. It went to voicemail which confused him, his mum almost always answered unless she's asleep. But they were in the same time zone right now.

He picked up his phone which fell when he punched a wall. It was slightly cracked now, but he couldn't see it well through his tears. He thought about Emma everyday. He still remembered the day she left. He was his fault. He wrote Don't Forget where you belong for her which was yet to be released. ( I know Niall wrote it)

After he sat there, his phone started ringing. He put it to his ear to hear his mum's voice, " She called me, mum."

" She called me, too. I'm scared, she just hung up." Jay cried.

" It's all my fault, I'm sorry." Louis started ranting through his tears.

" Lou, it's not your fault. I promise you. She's coming back to us, she called us didn't she?"

" Yeah, but she ran away because of me." Louis sobbed into his hand again, " I just want to tell her how sorry I am."

" She knows, I promise you. And it's not her fault, she was young. She got scared. You were young, and appeared out of nowhere." Jay tried to calm down her son, " It's not your fault."

Louis sobs have quieted down to cries. He didn't know what to say. It was his fault. He pushed her away. His mum sighed on the other side, " Look, love, I have to go. Please know, it's not your fault."

" Okay, Mum. Bye, I love you."

" I love you, too." She hung up, leaving Louis in an empty hallway.

It look Louis a few minutes to calm down. He was still sitting against the wall, when the ringtone ring out. He cleared his throat and answered it.

" Em." He breathed out.

" Do..." Emma trailed off, seeming hesitant. Her voice was raspy probably from crying and he probably sounded the same, " Do you want to meet up? I know your in town and just wanted to see if we could talk."

" Yes!" Louis got to excited and tried to pull it back. " I would love to! When can we meet up? I'm free for lunch today and tomorrow."

" Today is good." Emma said quietly, taking in a breathe.

" Alright, I'll give you my address and we can go somewhere from there?" Louis asked hopefully. He wanted this to go well so they can hang out even after lunch.

" Alright, does one work for you?" Emma sounded nervous.

" It's perfect." Louis smiled.

" Okay. Ill see you then."

She hung up the phone, leaving Louis alone in the hallway like her mum did a few minutes before. Louis felt nervous, seeing her after all these years. Louis put his phone in his pocket and stuffed his hand in as well. He walked back out to the guys to seem them all on the stage, laying down and playing on their phones.

The eighteen year old noticed him first, " Lou? We're you crying?"

He laughed a little, wiping his face to see if any stray tears had fallen, " Yeah."

" What's wrong?" Harry asked another question.

" Nothing. Everything's fine, actually" Louis smiled.

Niall looked up from his phone, " That's good, mate. Can we get food now?"

" What time is it?" Louis asked.

" Eleven. They decided to cancel practice because you were taking too long." Liam got up, putting a hand on Louis shoulder, " So, we have you to thank for that."

" I can't eat, I'm going to lunch with..." He trailed off, not wanting to jinx it.

" Emma?" Harry asked. He was the only one that knew what happened to the full extent. We knew everything about each other.

Louis nodded, not knowing what else to say, " At one."

" I can't wait till one." Niall groaned. Zayn elbowed him in the stomach.

Louis smiled slightly and got his stuff so they could leave. The boys were walking out so he and Harry were at the back. He kept trying to flat tire Liam which pissed him off. Harry smiled, and lightly took Louis' hand to stop him. Louis looked up to Harry and took his hand firmly. They got into the car and went to McDonald's drive through. Liam gave the order to the women at the station.

When they got home, Louis only had an hour to get ready after quickly taking a shower he had trouble picking an outfit. He picked a dark blue jumper with white stripes and a pair of jeans. Just as he finished dressing he heard the door go off. Niall called out through the house, " I'll get it."

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