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Emma pulled on a white shirt with a black jacket and black ripped skinny jeans. She grabbed her keys and walked to the door. She regretted going over to Louis house first, since she would probably leave her car at his flat. She slipped on black toms and called out to Brooklynn, " Alright, I'm leaving."

" Alright, just remembered that it's your brother. You have nothing to worry about." Brooklynn turned down her show to talk to Emma.

" Okay, I'll try." Emma walked out her door, then took the elevator. After getting into her car, she turned the engine over, gripped her wheel and screamed. Everything was a bit too much and she was starting to stress out.

She took a deep breathe and drove to the address, Emma got out of the car and walked to the door. After taking a few minutes of raising a fist then dropping it she finally knocked. She heard an Irish voice saying that he will get it, so that must be Niall.

Of course she kept but with her brother, she was mad at him. She didn't hate him. She knew all of the boys, Liam, Harry, Zayn and Niall. She was a bit younger then Liam, Zayn and Niall but older than Harry.

Niall opened the door, his mouth dropped a bit and his eyes bugged out, " Hi, who are you?"

" I'm Emma, I'm here for Louis?"

" Um, Harry?" Niall asked into the house.

Soon the curly headed boy was at the door, " Your Emma, right?"

" Yeah, is Louis here? I can always come back." Emma was getting uncomfortable standing at the door while two boys evaluated her.

" No, no, no- please come in." Harry opened the door wider and led her inside. Emma was taken to a kitchen island were two other boys were sipping on McDonald's cups. Liam and Zayn looked up to who walked in. They both smiled and and waved.

" Hey, I'm Liam-"

Emma cut him off, her nerves making her snipping, " I know who you are."

" Oh, sorry?" Liam was obviously confused on my bluntness.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Harry piped up, " I'll go see what's holding Lou up."

Emma nodded, then Harry disappeared up stairs. Niall sat down, " Would you like to sit?"

Emma already felt bad and it would make it more awkward if she declined, so she nodded and sat next to Niall and Zayn. Liam tried again, " So, what do you do?"

" Oh, I'm an intern at a recording studio." Emma nodded as they said that was a fun job or it was cool. She tried to joke, " I would ask you, but I kinda know."

The others laugh quickly, while Niall burst out laughing. Normally, Emma would be concerned that she did something embarrassing, but it was just Nialls personality to laugh at nothing. Emma smiled at his cuteness.

Liam, sensing the change, " Would you like water or something?"

" Oh, no, I'm fine. Thank you."

" Where do you live?" Niall asked

" Oh, in a little flat by George Park." Emma smiled.

" Oh, those flats are nice." Zayn said.

" Yeah, they are quite nice." Emma agreed.

The awkward silence settled in again, making Liam speak up, " Where is he?"

" I could always come back, if now doesn't work." Emma couldn't tell if she was relieved or not that Louis walked down the stairs.

" No, now is a perfect time." Louis said. His eyes looked a little red and puffy, while his hands shook a bit. Louis looked what Emma felt.

When Emma turned around Louis looked shocked, and she couldn't blame him. She was skinny because of the drugs and the tight budget for food. She cut her hair short, so it was a few inches past her shoulders. Emma had also dip dyed her hair blue, which thankfully covered the love marks from last night. It seemed so long ago, that she sleep with some random guy from a party.

" Hey," Emma rung her hands, twisting her fingers. When he didn't answer for a bit, her hand went her wrist, to tug the sleeve down.

Emma saw Harry elbow Louis, " Come on guys, let's go watch a movie."

The lads nodded and followed him out of the room. Louis seemed to snap out of the trance, " Hi."

Louis stepped forward, arms out to give a hug. Emma felt a tear slip out while she went into the hug as well, " I missed you, Lou."

" I missed you, too, Em." Louis hugged Emma tightly, like he was scared to let her go. Like if he did she would disappear and run out.

" I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I meant to only leave one night but then Oliver made me-" Emma shut up. Not even have told Brooklynn about it, " I guess you were right about him."

Louis thought back to the night it happened. Louis had told Emma that her boyfriend was no good since he went to school with Oliver. He tried to take control over his sister after coming back from a year of being in the band. Emma ran out after  telling Louis off. That was the last Louis seen or heard from her until today.

Louis pulled away from the hug, trying to search for anything in her eyes. Emma looked scared, knowing her brother was over protective. Louis looked absolutely pissed, " What did he-" Louis took a deep breathe. He didn't want to press since he just gotten her back into his life, " Its not your fault. I shouldn't have pressed so much."

" I should have listened to you." Emma smiled. It wasn't even close to a real smile and they both knew that.

" How 'bout we some food, eh?" Louis suggested, " What ever you like, my treat."

" How about Nando." Emma questioned. It wasn't super expensive but it was still good.

" Shhh, don't want Niall to hear us." He joked, " Let me grab my keys."

" Okay." Emma followed Louis around while he searched for his keys. Emma accidentally saw a half naked Niall as he stepped out of room then pounded on the door next to him. Asking if he could wear the red jumper today which made Emma laugh. Emma ran to catch up with Louis and stopped to see him getting in a Range Rover. " No, I shouldn't get in that. I'm going to mess it up."

" Trust me, I don't think you just sitting here is gonna mess it up." Louis laughed.

" Oh, trust me, I'll mess it up."

Louis rolled his eyes, holding up his keys," Just get in. Or do you want to drive?"

Emma smiled and took the keys, for some reasons already going back their regular banter. She got in the car, put the key and in turned the car on. She put he seat belt on and turned to Louis, " Buckle up, buttercup."

" Oh, god. We're going to die." Louis pretended to pray, then put his seat belt on.

" Just for that comment," Emma revved the engine, " We just might."

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