Chapter 10

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The tension between the three siblings was so thick you could cut it with a knife, so it wasn't long before the ever-vigilant Katara noticed something was up. She didn't say much, but she was saddened by the rift growing between her children. It wasn't so long ago when they played together as siblings should. Now, though, it was fading away.

Over the next couple of years, she kept her distance, hoping that they would work it out themselves; they were, after all, getting a little too old to be having Mommy fix their every problem. That doesn't mean she never tried to figure out what exactly their problem was, because she did. However, every time she asked, she was met with avoidant gazes and "nothing" or "I don't know".

One day, however, she learned just how serious the situation had grown. She was in the kitchen, preparing dinner, when she heard scuffling and shouting drift in through the window. She peered out to see her two sons fighting on the ground, while Kya stood to the side, occasionally slipping in her own blow. Katara gasped and dropped the food in her hand, then ran out the door and over to them.

"Enough!" She yelled angrily, storming over. She sucked in a breath when she saw Tenzin's bloody state and began to panic.

"Stop it!" She screamed and grabbed the back of Bumi's shirt and threw him off of his brother. She crouched down beside her youngest and took his hand. She was crying at this point, but she was anything but distracted.

"Tenzin? Can you hear me?"

He rolled his head towards her and she couldn't help but gasp. Tenzin's face was cut up and bloody, and she could see bruises beginning to form.

"Mom?" He whimpered and squinted up at her.

"Yeah, it's me, honey."

" hurts." Tears began to leak out of the ten-year-old's eyes, leaving a trail through the blood and dust.

"Oh, boo hoo!" Bumi shouted from behind her. She turned to him and sent him a deadly glare.

"Bumi. That's enough." She said in a deadly calm.

"Why?" Kya sassed back, folding her arms and glaring at her mother. "He deserved all of it."

"Kya." she growled. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath." Just go. Now. Both of you."

When they didn't respond, she grit her teeth. "Now!!!" She yelled. They both glared at her, but got up and left, walking slowly back to the house.

With a sigh, she turned back to her son.

"Tenzin," she said softly to regain his attention. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

She held up three fingers, and he stared at her hand for a second before answering. "Three?"

She nodded. "Can you count to ten for me?"

He did so, a little slowly, but he didn't miss any numbers.

She breathed a quiet sigh of relief. He hadn't sustained any serious head injury; from what she could tell, most of the damage was on the surface, and that was easy to heal.

She bent the water out of her flask and let it coat her hands. Then she very gently laid her hands on his wounds, healing him. When she was done, she examined him, and found that the healing had done its job. The only evidence of the fight was the dirt and dried blood on his robes.

Katara helped the healed but exhausted boy up onto his feet and slung his arm around her shoulder. They slowly trekked over to the house and inside. She walked him over to the couch and helped him lay down. When she was sure he was comfortable, she walked into the kitchen. She sat down at the table and buried her face in her hands. She let out a strangled sob. What was happening to her family?

Sorry it's so short, I'm going through some stuff right now and trying to get back into the swing of things. Again, reviews are welcome and appreciated. Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions! :)

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