Chapter 3

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That night, Tenzin couldn't fall asleep. So about midnight, he climbed out his window and airbent himself up onto the roof. He sat in the moonlight, hugging his knees. A slight breeze was blowing, tugging lightly on his robes. For a few minutes, he stayed put, lost in his thoughts. Then after about ten minutes, his older brother Bumi climbed up with him.

"Hey, Tenzy." he smirked. "Past your bedtime, isn't it?"

Tenzin merely replied by rolling his eyes.

"Seriously," Bumi said, taking a seat beside his brother. "What's up?"

"Nothing." he muttered, looking away.

Bumi snorted. "Please! You're about as good a liar as Kya!"

Tenzin sighed. "Did Kya tell you what happened?"

"She said some jerks dropped you in the mud." he said, frowning.

"Yeah. Mom and Dad want me to give details, but I just...can't." Tenzin sighed. "And I think I really hurt them, especially Dad."

Bumi didn't reply. He just frowned thoughtfully.

"I didn't mean to hurt them." Tenzin continued, his voice shaking, a tear gliding down his cheek. "I never wanted to." He shook his head, tears falling freely. "Oh, Bumi, what do I do?"

Bumi stared at his little brother sadly. "I don't know what to tell you, T. The only thing I can think of doing is telling them the truth."

Tenzin was so shocked, he could only stare.

Bumi laughed. "I know, I know. Not like me, huh?"

Tenzin nodded.

Bumi sighed. "Look, I know I don't act like I care a lot of the time, but I really do. You're my little brother. I'm supposed to look out for you."

Tenzin smiled as Bumi put a hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks, Bumi."

"I know you can figure this out." Bumi said as he stood up. "You're a smart kid. You'll find a way."

And with that, Bumi left, leaving Tenzin on the roof to ponder what he said.

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