Chapter 2

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After he had cleaned up, Tenzin spent most of the evening in his room, away from the rest of his family. His dad wasn't home yet, so he was still nervous and scared. He only left his room when his mother called them down for dinner. While he was down there, he sat and looked at the floor. He didn't talk, didn't really do anything. He just sat there until his mother let him go back to his room.

Katara was worried. Tenzin didn't talk much anyway, but getting him to eat was never a problem. He was a growing boy, and also very obedient, so when he ignored her and didn't eat, she began to worry that the situation was worse than she thought. So, when dinner was done, she sent her other two children about their business, much to their surprise. They were usually required to help clean up. But, they seemed to sense something was wrong, so they left with no arguments or discussion.

Katara started to clean up, so deep in thought she didn't notice Aang come up behind her. He put his arms around her waist. She gasped and jumped, dropping the wet plate she was holding on the floor. Aang burst out laughing and stepped back. Katara turned and glared at him, trying to hide a smile.

"That is not funny."

"Yes, it is!" Aang replied, still laughing.

Katara smiled and threw the wet rag she was holding at him. Then she bent down and picked up the plate.

"You need to talk to Tenzin."

"About what?" he asked, still smiling.

"Something happened today."

The smile fell off his face. "What happened?"

"Apparently, some older boys dropped him in some mud. I guess he ran up a tree, because that's where Kya found him. When I first saw him, he was covered in mud and soaked to the skin."

Aang frowned. "Yeah, I'll talk to him."

"I just worry about him."

Aang hugged her gently. "I know; I do, too."

He let go of her and walked upstairs and down the hall until he was standing in front of his youngest son's door. He took a breath and knocked on the door.

Inside his room, Tenzin was sprawled out on his bed, deep in thought. Suddenly, he heard a light knock on his door. Then, a second later, a very familiar voice.


Tenzin shot up. His dad! His mother must have already talked to him.

"Hey, Tenzin, can I come in?"

He gulped. "Sure."

Aang opened the door and walked in. He sat down on the edge of the bed.

"So, what happened today, bud?

Tenzin looked away from him.


Aang sighed. "Come on, I know you're lying to me."

Tenzin didn't reply.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

He shook his head, back turned to him.

Aang sighed, stood up, and left without another word.

After his father was gone, a few tears slid down Tenzin's face. He hated lying, especially to his father. He hated pushing him away and keeping him in the dark, but he couldn't see another way.

Aang walked downstairs and outside. After a few minutes, Katara joined him.

"Did he say anything?" she asked.

Aang shook his head. "Nothing that was true, anyway."

"So, what?" Katara said, confused. "He lied to you?"

Aang nodded solemnly. He was actually a little hurt.

"He's keeping me in the dark." He sighed. "I just thought our relationship was better than this."

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