ch. 2 who are you

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You start to continue walking back home still thinking about the British man that ran into you and while so many questions ran through your head like ; who was he chasing? Why was he chasing him? Why didn't he help you up? And over all, who was he? In the time that you were thinking. You found yourself at your apartment. You gone inside your apartment and ate your cereal. After you finished your (fav cereal).You put your dishes in the sink. You checked the time and it was 30 minutes before work. You work at a cafe as a waitress. So you hurried and got dressed for work and put your (h/c) hair back into a (ponytail, bun, braid). After getting ready you had 20 minutes to get there on time. You boss will not be kind knowing you were late three days in a row. You always hated your boss mainly because he was a perverted old man, but your best friend, (best friends name), that works with you is always their for you when you needed to talk to them. Once you got there you were freaking out looking for the time and the time was 1:30pm. You made it just in time. You standed their panting trying to calm down."Woah! What happened to you!?" A familiar voice said. You looked back and it was (friend).

"I...I was about late" You said.

"Wow. Your lucky"

"Yeah...I guess"

You stopped panting."___,are you okay. Is something bothering you?"(friend) asked."I'll tell you when I get a break

*time skip by cake to break*

"Now tell me what's wrong?"

"Ok, earlier this guy ran into me and it's bothering me"

"Really, what did he look like?"

"Well,he was tall, he had short blonde hair that sort-of spiked up in the front,and blue eyes with black framed glasses with a British accent"

"Like him?" She pointed outside the cafe at the British man and he was talking to the kid he was chasing."that's him!"you enthused.

"Go talk to him then!"She answered.

"I will",you said starting to walk towards the door.

"Hey!Not so fast your break is up.get back to work",your boss yelled walking out of his office.

"Ok,sorry sir"you sighed and got back to work. When it became 6:00pm you were finally free, but at least tomorrow you don't have work. So you went back home exhausted of crying babies, grumpy customers, and your boss nagging trying to not strangle him. When you got to your apartment building you noticed a move-in truck you were curious to see who they were. So you approached the truck walking around to see who it was. It was the British guy again?! You thought. He turned around to see you and awkward smiled at you. You looked back but turned around to shun him

"Ok, mate",he said walking towards you,"l am really reeeally sorry for what happened earlier. Oh, by the way my name's wheatley".

human!Wheatley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now