Chapter 1

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"I'm pregnant!" Evie announced to their group of friends.

Mal screamed as she shot up to go and hug her best friend. "I can't believe this! I am so happy for you guys!" She said as she wrapped her arms around both Evie and Henry. Once it caught on to everyone else in the room, they too, began to crowd around the expectant couple and practically hug them to death. They all knew the two of them had been wanting a baby for awhile, and two years into their marriage, it finally happened. And Mal noticed, for the first time, that Evie even had a small bump already. "E, how far along are you?" She asked her.

Evie smiled as she answered her. "A little over three months."

"That far along, and you're just now telling us this?" Carlos said a little offended that they hadn't given out the news a little sooner.

"Well, we only just found a couple weeks ago." Henry informed him.

They weren't that offended by it, they were just too excited for them. Pretty much everyone in their group was married and had kids, and Henry and Evie were the only ones who didn't. Carlos and Mal were married and had a daughter who they named Marley. Jay and Audrey were also married and had a son they named, Jason. Uma and Harry too, were married and had twin boys they named, Zack and Nathan. Ben, however, still had yet to find his special someone. Evie had just been over the moon as soon as she saw the results on her pregnancy test and when they had gotten it confirmed by their doctor.

"So Evie are you hoping it's a boy or girl?" Audrey asked her.

"Probably a girl." Evie said giggling a little bit. "But I'd be happy if it turns out to be a boy. But as long as the baby is born healthy, I'll be happy no matter what the gender is."

"But, for the most part you want a girl." Mal said jokingly.

"Oh yeah definitely!" Evie said giving her best friend a high-five. Everyone laughed. It was Evie. Of course she wanted a girl.


That night, as Evie and Henry were laying in their bed getting ready for bed. Evie put down the book she was reading to look over at her husband who was just laying on his back staring up at the ceiling.

"Whatcha thinking about, babe?" She asked him as she rubbed his arm.

"Do you think I'm gonna be a good father?" He asked as he turned on his side, looking into the brown eyes of his beautiful wife.

"Of course you will be, honey. Why do you have doubts?" She assured him.

"It's just, I didn't exactly have the best example of a father, growing up." He admitted to her. "I don't want to be like him and mess up. I want to be better. But I've never been a dad before. What if I'm not good at it?"

"Henry, you are going to be such a great dad! You have nothing to be worried about. But I guess I am worried about not being a good enough mom." Evie admitted as she looked down at her growing bump and placed a hand on it gently.

Henry placed his hand above hers. "Well, in the words of my gorgeous wife, you have nothing to be worried about. You are going to be an amazing mom. I've seen you with kids, when you babysit Marley, or Jason. You do so well with them. This baby is so lucky, because they have you for a mother."

Evie smiled as she brought her hand up to cup his cheek and pull him in for a kiss, which Henry, so gladly, kissed her back. Of course they were still a little bit nervous about being parents as they were new to it, and they didn't know what to expect. But they had each other and that's all they needed. Parenthood wasn't going to be easy, but they had each other's backs and they would get through it all together, and support each other along the way. And besides, they still had six months left to prepare, they would be just fine.

A/N: So what did y'all think? This was just an idea that has been in the back of my mind for awhile now so I thought maybe I should try writing it down. So let me know what you think of this. Until the next chapter!!!

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