Chapter 7

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A couple weeks had passed since the gender reveal party and Evie and Henry were just relaxing in their bed as Henry massaged Evie's shoulders. Evie sighed in contentment, as she relaxed into his touch.

"So honey, what do you think we should name her?" Evie asked looking down at her stomach placing her hand on it gently.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe we could name her after me and name her, Henrietta." Henry joked.

Evie laughed at that. "There is no way I am naming any of my children that." She told him.

"Do you have any suggestions?" He asked her.

"Well, I think maybe we should at least pick a few out that we like then decide what her name is when she's born." Evie said. "I'll know what to name her as soon as I get to see her little face for the first time."

Henry smiled lovingly at her as he kissed the back of her head. "I love you, Mrs. Weber." He told her.

"And I love you too, Mr. Weber." She replied as she kissed him back. "You know? I was thinking, since Halloween is coming up, and Ben is having that party, I was thinking we should dress up as a couple."

"What do you want us to dress up as?" Henry asked.

"I was thinking we dress up as Bert and Mary Poppins." Evie told him.

"I like that idea! You'd make a beautiful Mary Poppins." Henry said.

"Aw, babe! You're so sweet!" She gave him another kiss before leaving the room.

"Where are you going?" He asked her.

"To finish the costumes." Evie stated.

"You mean, you already started them?"


"I should've known." He said.


A week later, Halloween had arrived, and Evie and Henry were getting into their costumes. Henry was waiting for Evie to finish up. "Evie, are you almost done?" He asked knocking on the bathroom door. Evie came out as soon as he finished asking that.
"Wow! You look gorgeous!"

"Thanks, hun." She said. "And you look very handsome. But your costume is missing something."

"What is it missing?" He asked.

"The bowtie!"

Henry's eyes widened in absolute horror. And he gulped. "B-b-bowtie?" He stuttered. He absolutely hated bowties. They were his worst nightmare.

Evie crossed her arms at him. "Yes, bowtie. Why aren't you wearing it? It's a part of the costume."

"Evie, you know exactly why I'm not wearing it. I. Hate. Bowties! How many times do I have to tell you that!" He yelled.

"But babyy! It's a part of the costume and I worked so hard to make it for you." Evie whined as she began to cry due to her mood swings. "Can't you do it for your poor wife who just so happens to be carrying your child?"

Henry knew that he couldn't say no to that. He sighed in defeat. "Ok fine. I'll wear the bowtie. But just this once!" He caved in and said.

"Yay!" Evie said before going into the closet to go get the bowtie, then when she found it, she tied it around his neck. And then they were off to Ben's castle for the Halloween party. "Thanks for wearing the bowtie." Evie kissed his cheek as he drove.

"Yeah, anything for you, I guess." He said.

"You do know I love you, right?"

"Of course I know you love me. That's why you married me, and why we're having a baby."

Evie laughed. "Yes, that is true."

Once they made it to the castle, they walked on in, to see all their friends. "Evie! It's so good to see you!" Mal yelled running over to Evie.

"Mal, you just saw me yesterday." Evie said.

"But that was so long ago!"

Evie laughed. "You're crazy. But anyway, your costume is so cute!" She said to Mal who was dressed up as a dog.

"Thanks! It's a thing Carlos wanted to do. We all dressed up as dogs. And Marley has convinced herself she's an actual dog." Mal said as she pointed over to Marley who was crawling on her hands and knees while barking.

Evie laughed. "Aw, that is adorable!" She said.

"And you're costume is cute too! Mary Poppins and Bert. So cute! You even got Henry to wear a bowtie. How did you do that?" Mal asked.

"Easy. I'm pregnant. I can guilty him into doing anything for me." Evie joked.

"Whoa, you are evil." Mal joked along with her causing them to share a laugh. And that was when Ginny showed up, dressed in a cloak. "Hey Ginny, what are you dressed up as?"

"My mother, duh!" Ginny said. "Hey Evie, cute costume. It suits you."

"Thanks." Evie replied.

"So Evie, I was thinking, if you want, we could hang out tomorrow at the mall and do some shopping for the baby." Ginny suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds really fun. Sure!" Evie said.

"Great! See you then, Evie." Ginny said walking off.

"Evie, I'm starting to get a bad feeling about her." Mal said referring to Ginny.

"Why? She's really nice, Mal. All she wants to do is hang out with me, Mal." Evie said not understanding why Mal would think something like that.

"Yeah, but I just can't shake this feeling away." Mal said.

"I'm sure it's nothing, Mal." Evie told her.

Mal didn't know what it was about Ginny, but there was something about her that gave her a bad feeling. But maybe Evie was right, maybe it was just nothing.

A/N: Ok, I know Halloween is over, but this idea was just to good to pass up. So please let me know what you thought. Until the next chapter!!!

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