Chapter 12

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After someone had broken into their home, Evie was extremely protective of Ember more than ever. They had contacted Ben, telling him what had happened, and he had people who were working on trying to figure out who. Evie had hardly put Ember down, she was either holding her in her arms or had her in a baby carrier on her chest. She didn't want to let down her guard down in case something were to happen.

Evie had lost many nights of sleep, just staring at the window scared that someone might try and break in again. Henry had also installed security systems around the house, especially around the windows. But that didn't make Evie any less worried that someone was trying to hurt her baby girl. But in that moment, Evie was tidying up the house while Ember was asleep in her swing in the living room. She was almost constantly glancing over at her though to make sure she was still safe and okay. When she finished, she picked Ember up gently and bounced her a little to make sure she stayed asleep.

Evie looked down at her tiny, sleeping daughter as a tear slipped down her cheek. "I promise I will always keep you safe, my little angel. I love you." She whispered to her as she kissed her little cheek. Ember stirred a bit in her mother's arms as she cuddled more into her. But it was then, that a knock was heard on the door. Evie stood up with Ember still in her arms as she went to answer the door. And she saw it was Ginny. "Hey Ginny. What brings you here?"

"Hi, Evie. I heard about what happened, with the break in, and I just came to see how you were doing." Ginny said.

"Yeah, we're a little shaken up of course. You can come in for a bit if you'd like." Evie said as she opened the door wider.

Ginny nodded stepping inside. "So..are you and Henry taking any precautions at all or anything?" She asked.

"Um yeah, Henry installed a security system that will set off an alarm if anybody decides to break in again." Evie replied. "Would you like anything to drink?"

"Sure, I'll just have some water. Thanks." Ginny said.

Evie nodded putting Ember back in her swing as she went into the kitchen. Ginny went over to the window and checked it out while Evie was out of the room. She saw a little device on it and kind of inspected it. When Evie came back with Ginny's water, she found her looking at the window, and she found it kind of suspicious.

"What are you doing?" She asked making Ginny turn around quickly.

"I, uh, was just..looking out I saw a rabbit or something out there." Ginny said.

Evie looked at her with an unsure look on her face. She wasn't sure if she believed Ginny. All of a sudden she had a bad feeling about Ginny, a feeling like she was no longer safe in her own home. "I think you should go." She told with a shaky voice as she lifted her unsteady finger towards the door.

Ginny took in a breath as she slowly made her way to the door. Ginny looked back at Evie one more time before she left. Evie sighed as she closed her eyes. She didn't know what it was about her, she had never felt like that around Ginny since she came to Auradon. So why did she just now have a bad feeling around Ginny? That's what confused her.

Evie shook her head and got rid of her thoughts as she went over to Ember who started fussing in her swing. "Ssh. Ssh. Okay baby, I'm here now. Mommy's here, ssh." She said in her ear as she bounced her a little to calm her down.

And once Evie was able to get Ember back to sleep, she sat down on the couch, resting her head on the back of the couch and eventually falling asleep. She wasn't sure how long she was out, but when she woke up Ember wasn't in her arms anymore. She shot up and looked around her. "Ember?! No, no, no! Ember!" She yelled worried that someone took her baby away while she was sleeping.

But just then, she saw Henry run in from the kitchen. "Evie! Hey, it's okay. I just put Ember in her crib in the nursery to sleep." He told her.

Evie fell against him as she cried into his shirt. "I was so scared that someone had gotten her." She said through her tears as Henry wrapped his arms around her, kissing her hair. "Henry, I feel like I can't even protect my own daughter."

"Evie, that's not true. I know this is hard on you. But everything is gonna be just fine. I promise, I will never let anything happen to you or Ember." Henry promised her.

Evie smiled at him as she wiped her tears. "I am so lucky to have you as my husband and the father of our beautiful daughter." She told him.

Henry smiled right back at her, pulling her in for a kiss. He was the one who was lucky to have her as his wife and the mother to their daughter. He would always protect them. They were his family, he wouldn't let anybody hurt them. Never.

A/N: So how was this chapter? Please let me know what you thought. Until the next chapter!!!

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