I: The Hemsworth's of Hogwarts

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My family's favorite line during my extensive lectures was "If Cinderella's shoe fit perfectly, then why did it fall off?" I used to roll my eyes and scoff, but knowing that I'll never hear those words again, I can't help but mourn my prissy parents. 

I adjust my sunglasses, raising my eyebrow at the sight before me. I'd always been taught to mask my emotions, but the Hogwarts Express was certainly an exception. The train was huge, with perfect puffs of smoke engulfing the locomotive. Narrowing my eyes, I marched forward, holding my chin high. All good things were full of lies and craftiness. 

"Charles!" I called, waggling my fingers at my bagman. He lurched forward, the weight of my five large suitcases causing him to sweat vigorously. "Come on, we have to get a good compartment!"

I paused carefully as we entered the train. I'd never ridden one, let alone one in Europe. The train had many glass compartments, filled with laughing kids who were playing curious games and eating cand that seemed to be magic. For someone who had never known Europe or magic, I convinced myself I was handling this with ease. 

I smirked at the students who watched me strut through the walkway, winking at them over my sunglasses. Kids here were just as easily manipulated as they were in America. 

And then I saw him. Damn, he was hot. 

His cheekbones were sharp and defined, similar to his angled jawline. He has curly black hair that barely touched his chin and hazel eyes that almost gleamed grey. He was slouched in his seat, but there was a mysterious elegance that surrounded him and his emerald green robes. 

I allowed myself a few seconds of admiring before whipping off my sunglasses and opening the compartment lazily. 

He gazed up at me, his smirk widening. 

"Hello," His voice was deep and rich. "I've never seen you around before," 

"I wouldn't expect so." I sat down across from him, throwing my legs on top of the table. "I'm a transfer student from America."

He leaned forward curiously, his eyes roving up and down my body several times. 

"America?" he raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. "I didn't know they accepted Americans at Hogwarts."

"Oh yes, but I'm special," I winked at him devilishly. "I'm Larke."

He leaned back again, running a hand through his thick hair. "Regulus, Regulus Black."

"Nice to meet you Regulus." I ran my tongue over my teeth. "Now tell me more about this Hogwarts."

I spent the rest of the ride flirty feverishly with Regulus, learning that he was a fourth-year and eight months younger than me. 

"You'll be in the same year as my brother," he scowled, his handsome features turning dark. 

"You have a brother?" I smiled, only hoping he was just as good looking. "What house is he in?"

"Gryffindor." He scowled, tugging at his emerald tie. "Slytherin's sworn enemies."

I let out a bark of laughter. "What is this shit, some Highschool Musical rip-off?"

He cocked his head at me. "What's Highschool Musical?"

I grinned at him, leaning so close I could smell the scent of rain and cologne wafting off of him. "An American movie,"

He grinned at me, his eyes flickering from my eyes to my lips. "Care to show me?"

"Well, it is more of a PG movie, but I suppose there is some kissing here and there," I mumbled before crashing my lips on his. 

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