II: Of Sorting's & Selwyn's

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The Sorting. The most highly anticipated event at Hogwarts. Well, for the first years, anyway. 

I stood uncomfortably in a crowd of eleven year- olds, towering over them even though I was only 5"6. They whispered about me, giggling and pointing.

"Do you think she's half-giant?" a girl with pigtails snickered. 

"Nah, I reckon there's ogre in her!" another boy said loudly, sending a chorus of laughs through the students. 

"Can't be, she's far too pretty to be an ogre." one girl scrunched her nose thoughtfully, pondering what other drastic creatures I could be.

I opened my mouth, about to put them all in their place, when I was interrupted by a stern-looking teacher with a neat, grey bun. 

"Students," she said loudly, dispersing any chatter with a wave of her wand. "Welcome to Hogwarts."

They all stared up at her in wonder, excited to be in such a wonderful place. I suppose it was rather nice, my old school was nothing compared to the giant, warm castle.

"I'm Professor McGonagall, I tea- dear, what are you doing here?" she asked, noticing me. 

"Oh, I'm a new student," I said quietly. "I'm from America, Larke Miller?" I offered, blush tinting my cheeks. 

"Oh, yes, very well, Professor Dumbledore told me about you." she ushered me into a giant hall, thousands of students decked in robes sitting at four different tables. 

I followed Professor McGonagall, ignoring the catcalls and whispers as I walked past students of all ages, gender, and race. 

"Oi, Fabe, look here!" A golden-haired boy called, an identical version of him popping up to look at me. 

"You might want to ditch your girlfriend while you still have the chance, Gideon!" he said loudly, the entire table of maroon clad Gryffindor's bursting into laughter. 

I noticed Sirius grinning widely, his friend James and two other boys talking and laughing. He caught my gaze and wink, causing several other girls to glare at me furiously. 

I rolled my eyes, searching the crowds for Regulus. I spotted him on the opposite side, a boy with greasy hair on his left and a tall, blond one on his right. 

"Now, sit here, Ms. Miller." The Professor guided me to a chair, placing a ratty old hat on my head. 

I almost shrieked when it began to talk, whispering in my ear. 

"Hm... an American.." the voice pondered. I wondered if anyone else could hear it. "Very brave, but you have a thirst to prove you're not who you used to be..."

I waited patiently in silence, remembering what Regulus said earlier. 

Not Hufflepuff, I thought. I'm definitely not smart enough for Ravenclaw. 

"Well, then, that leaves only two houses, Gryffindor & Slytherin..." 

I glanced at the Slytherins. They looked mean and spiteful, and even with the bonus of Reggie, they didn't seem at all like my type. 

"Well..." the Sorting Hat said, "Better be GRYFFINDOR!"

Cheers erupted through the crowds, and my eyes immediately found a scowling Regulus. I gave him a sympathetic smile before walking towards the rowdy lions, excitement filling up my heart. 

I found an open seat near Sirius & his friends, sitting next to an amused girl with a headful of wavy dark brown hair.

"Harlynn Selwyn," she said grimly, offering a hand. "And before you say anything, Gryffindor is full of pureblood supremacist rejects, there's nothing special about me."

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