III: Biting the Bullet

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I groaned in pain, my head throbbing uncomfortably. 

"As your friend, I command you to lay back down," an amused voice said from beside me. 

"Reggie?" I mumbled in question, trying to make out the curly-haired Slytherin in the dark. "What time is it? What happened?"

"Well, Evans & Selwyn say you passed out after the Prewett twins confronted you about.. your past," he said, struggling to find the words to describe the unfortunate events from my previous life. 

I let out a stream of profanities. 

"God, Reggie, everyone thinks I'm some murderer, don't they!" I cried, sitting up and immeadietly regretting it. I had an awful migraine that went perfectly with the humiliation in my heart. 

He set down his book and looked at me, pity softening his sharp features.

"Don't look at me like that." I snapped.

"Huh?" he asked, confused. 

"Like you pity me, like I'm some stray dog on the side of the road with nothing to eat." I replied, anger edging my voice. "It makes me feel weak."

"You're not weak," he said softly, running a hand through my hair as I lay on the hospital bed with a huff. "You're one of the strongest people I know."

"I don't feel like it," I whisper. "I put up a mask, the pretty, popular girl who always knows exactly what to say, but underneath, I'm riddled with scars- and I-I can never hide them for long enough. The bridges I build and the walls I make, they break like glass."

 I curl up in a ball, watching the moon. I'm like the moon. Beautiful and bright, but dependent on the sun for all my glory. The minute the sun rises, I am powerless.

"The scars are what make you beautiful, Miller." Regulus looks at me, a soft smile on his lips. "Who you were before, an emotionless person who didn't have any feelings, that's who needed the mask. But these tragedies you've been through, something no human should have to experience- that's what makes you so strong and beautiful. Not the amount of people who like you, or however much makeup it takes for you to be confident."

He sighs, leaning back in his chair. 

"That's why I knew you'd be Gryffindor," he says quietly, and a comfortable silence surrounds us, warming me up like a blanket.

"How'd they know, Reg?" I ask. "How'd they figure it out?"

"I didn't tell them, Miller, if that's what you're implying," he snorts. "I just gave you a beautiful speech and that's how you thank me?"

I chuckle, a hoarse sound escaping my dry lips. 

"It was beautiful, Regulus, thank you."

"I should go." he stands up slowly. "It's almost morning, and I'm not supposed to be here."

"Ok," I sigh. "I'll see you tomorrow,"

"Goodnight, Miller."

"Goodnight, Black."

I watch his retreating figure, smiling. He'd snuck in the Hospital Wing after curfew just to be with me. 


"She looks good even when she's sleeping."

"Shove off Black, she's not interested in a womanizer like you."

"Do you think she's ok?"

"Of course, my Lilyflower, don't worry."

"She wasn't talking to you, Prongs."

I blink my eyes, sunlight temporarily impairing my vision. Six burry faces look down at me, smiling.

"Bloody hell," I mumble, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "What are you lot doing here?"

"Well, we came to get you for Charms," I recognize Lily's cheerful voice. 

"How much time do I have?" I ask subconsciously. 


"Well, you see..."

"Five minutes," Sirius says bluntly. 

I jump out of the bed, grabbing my jacket before dashing out of the room. 

"See you in class!" I shriek, sprinting down halls breathlessly. That is until I realize I have absolutely no idea where I'm going. 

"God dangit." I walk back to the hospital wing in irritation. 

"Ha!" Sirius crows triumphantly. "You owe me a sickle, Prongs!"

"Did you make a bet on me?" I ask unblushingly. "I mean, I knew you were obsessed with me, but don't you think that's a little far?"

"All's fair in the game of love, Miller." he saunters past me towards the door, flashing his silver coin in my face. "See you lot in Charms."

I roll my eyes and trudge over to Harlynn and Lily. 

"I've got no idea where to go, I haven't even unpacked my trunk, and I'm going to be late on my first day!" I throw my hands up in frustration. 

"Chocolate?" Remus holds offers me a square meekly. 

I blink a few times before snatching it greedily from his hand. 

"Fhanks," I mumble through bites. I hadn't even finished my dinner last night. 

"C'mon, Larke, Lynnie & I will help you!" Lily hooks her arm in mine. 

"I didn't sign up for this." 

"Jeez, Selwyn, stop being so cheerful." 

"Eff off, Pottah." she grumbles and reluctantly follows us out the door, leaving James, Remus & Peter behind. 

"What a peculiar group of girls." Remus remarked thoughtfully. 

"Oi, that's my future wife you're talking about!" James glared at him. 

"Prongs, Lily would rather marry Peter over you." Remus said dryly. 

"Hey, what's so bad about marrying me?" Peter squeaked defensively. 

"Nothing, Wormtail, nothing." James sighed, patting the boy on the back. 

"Oh, ok." 

"C'MON YOU GITS, WE'RE ALREADY LATE ENOUGH!" Sirius bellowed from the doorway, dragging James by the collar. 

Peter scurried behind them and Remus follows shortly, amusement written all over his face.

"This year is going to be absolutely mad."


A bit of a filler, and definitely a short, but necessary chapter. 

Even though no one is going to read this, who do you think was talking for the first lines of dialogue that I didn't label? I tried to make it rather obvious :)

Please vote & comment if you enjoyed!

Until next time,


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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