Chapter Five

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It was a quiet night when me and Daichi were embracing, the sidewalk we were standing upon was empty from any other people. That was the moment when a car came from one direction and a rusty old motorcycle came from the other, inside the car was a young girl driving, the motorcycle had an older man. A chain of events caused me to end up in the hospital. 

An orange tabby cat leaped in front of the car, the young women who obviously hadn't been driving for long, swerved into the motorcycles lane while trying to avoid the small animal. The man on the motorbike then swerved hard left and ended up coming straight towards Daichi and me. I didn't realize until the last second when I looked up from the hug. I pushed Daichi away from me as hard as I could, I could never bear to see anything happen to my one love. The only problem with pushing the captain back was an automobile two seconds from crashing into me. The last thing I saw before I fell into darkness was Daichi staggering backward, his arms outstretched towards me. 

That's the story I had just watched, courtesy of the security cameras on that street. 

I had just woken up, I wasn't in critical condition from what the doctors had seen. I had a broken leg, a sprained arm, and a minor concussion, I was really lucky for someone who just got hit by a motorcycle. Though I was in a week-long coma I had been told.

At least I wasn't hit by a car, that could have been much worse

It wasn't too long after I had woken up when a distressed man with dark hair rushed into the hospital room I was staying in. Tears streaming down his face like rain, Daichi ran over to the bed I was laying in and smothered me in a warm hug. I flinched slightly at the pain in my arm, Daichi noticed immediately and moved, his hands ended up on my face, fingers caressing my cheeks. The captain moved his forehead to mine and we stayed there for a few minutes. We hadn't even said a word to each other and I was already so comfortable just being in his presence.  

"Kōshi you scared me.. why did you push me away, I'm here to protect you, not the other way around," Daichi whispered, his face pained, "That should've been me, I can't bear to see you like this."

"Daichi Sawamura, how could you say that!? If anything ever happened to you and I could've stopped it, I wouldn't be able to live with myself." We were both an emotional mess at this point and we hadn't even been in the same room for more than 10 minutes. 

"Suga, my real-life angel, only you would say that." Finally, a small smile appeared on Daichi's face and the smile pressed against my lips. With this man beside me, I couldn't ever be in pain, or so I thought. 


"Hey Kōshi didn't your dad just leave on that work trip, and your mom's been away for a couple of months, neither of them came back when this fiasco happened," Daichi questioned while I laid against him on the pristine white hospital bed.

"Ya they're still away, my mom got the flu while she was in Africa so my dad is taking care of her," I hummed while looking through my phone and answering 'Get well soon!' messages from friends and teammates.

"Oh, alright then, I hope she gets better," Daichi murmured as he played with my hair, "We'll have to finish that date, right Suga?"

My smile grew when Daichi said this, "It's a plan. That reminds me, Asahi and I set the entire dinner thing up. I don't know if any of his would have happened without his help."

Daichi grinned mischievously, "So wait, you're telling me that you and Azumane set the dinner up and he didn't come on purpose so you could confess?"

"Daichi that makes it sound bad," I giggled.

"I mean it's definitely not bad because we're here together now, although we're together in a hospital room which is bad.." Daichi muttered.

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