Chapter Two

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I rolled over, My head hit something. 

Opening my eyes slowly, I see a head of dark brown hair. I immediately can tell who it is. 

Daichi is curled up next to me on the infirmary bed, his hand resting against my leg. 

I sit up, rearranging my position, Daichi rustles slightly. In fear that I woke him, I freeze up.

 Instead of being woken up, Daichi mumbles something slightly, it sounds as if he were sleep talking? I lower my head a bit trying to hear what he was uttering under his breath. 


I darted back. 

Did he just say my name, was he dreaming about me?! 

While in this sort of trance, Daichi had woken up from all my movements. 

"Kōshi? Are you alright, did you sleep ok?".

 I sucked in a deep breath, my cheeks puffed up.

 Trying to speak in a low voice I apologized to Daichi "Sorry Dachi, I was a bit startled... I didn't realize you were sleeping here next to me." 

My face turned pink after I said this, I sat in place, frozen on the spot. 

The next thing I know is that Daichi was pulling me closer to him. Gently cradling me in his arms, my silver locks of hair were resting against Dachi's chest.

I've never felt so calm while being so close to the conqueror of my heart. 

"Hey, Daichi?"


"you're really sweaty"

 Daichi grinned slightly and laughed.

"That's kinda ruining the mood Suga" 

"Hmm? What do you mean about the mood Daichi?"

The wing spiker's eyes widened, then relaxed. Crinkling at the corners the sides of his mouth upturned into a smile.

"Don't worry about it Kōshi"

Shrugging my pale shoulders I then sighed and said to Daichi "We really should start heading to class, lunch will be ending soon and I've been asleep for too long.." 

Daichi closed his dark eyes and leaned his head back "Please just stay with me? For one moment at least."

Looking back at me his eyes turned round, his iris's looked as though they were pleading. 

I could never say no to him, Daichi was too adorable, "Fine... but just for a couple of minutes"

Daichi squeezed my shoulders and the world closed in around me as I fell back asleep.


The rest of the day went past in a blur.

I had arisen from my sleep just after my first class of the afternoon had started. 

Daichi had already left but I could stop thinking about him as I walked to my study period.

The feel of his warm skin against mine.

Daichi's hot breath blowing onto my neck as he squeezed my shoulders.

The tint of red on my cheeks grew as I reminisced about the tall, broad, dark-haired man... 

"O-ow, Sorry."

The Silver Crow -Currently Discontinued (May Start again, not sure)-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora