Chapter 3

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Middle school, how can things get even worse. In a new school where I didn't know anybody. The bell rings, so I walk to class. I walk down a hall to my next class just to see a bunch of kids bullying a little girl. "Hey! Back off." I yell. The kids turn around at first scared but then looked at me with a smirk,

"Well look at this hero here, you're the new kid huh?" the leader of the group says.

"Yeah what about it. Are you scared of me or something. Just back off alright?"

"Ha ha ha! Look at you, a little twerp trying to be the hero. Let's get her!" As they approached me, I stood my ground. The kid raises a fist and was about to punch me when someone grabbed his arm.

"Hey knock it off."

"Wow, just wow. Now there are two heros, to the rescue. Hooray," the bully says.

"How stupid can you guys be, bullying two girls. The only reason you have friends is because they are afraid of being bullied. Now go get a life." He says, and turns to me. "You alright?"


"What's your name?"

I look down, a bit scared.

"It's ok, I won't hurt you. My name is Greg."


Why do I feel water dripping on my face? I began to stir and slowly open my eyes. I see Greg frozen in place with a wet towel over my face. My eyes go wide and I get out of bed. Immediately, I began to punch him and beat him to the ground. "What do you think you're doing? Is it fun getting beat up in the morning?"

"Ouch! Calm down Fox! It was only a joke!"

"Well it wasn't funny. Ugh, what were you even trying to do? Trying to get yourself killed?" I stop kicking him and yanked the door open and slammed it behind me. I walked down stairs to make breakfast. I opened the fridge and grabbed bread, eggs, and other stuff to make a sandwhich.

"I think you broke my nose." Greg says as he walks downstairs while holding his nose. I start making scrambled eggs.

"C'mon, Greg. Pull yourself together and stop being a sissy. I didn't punch you hard enough to break your nose. Its only a bruise. It'll heal in a couple of days. Let's get to work after we eat."

"Whatever mom." I stop moving the spatula and look down.

"Oh shoot. I totally forgot." Greg said. I started getting memories of my mom of what I had done to her. How can I still pull the trigger? Tears began running down my cheeks. Greg ran over and turned off the stove. He then turned around and began to apologize while holding and hugging me.

"Im so sorry Fox. I really am."

"'s okay. Here, let me finish making your sandwich." I wipe eyes and nose on a nearby napkin and finish up the sandwich.

He looks at me as I put the plate down. Greg puts his hand on top of mine and we stayed like that, all awkward.

"I-I-I need to uhhh...get dressed. Yeah I'm going to get dressed." I say as I run upstairs.I burst through the bathroom door and locked it. I start crying and apologizing over and over again as if my mother was really next to me. After what seemed like hours in the bathroom, I finally calmed down and got up. I washed my face and looked in the mirror. My eyes were all red. Ugh, I look like crap right now. Unlocking the door, I walk to my room and change. I dressed into my casual clothing, and left a tactical vest nearby just in case. I walk downstairs just in time to hear a knock on the front door. I look through the peak hole to see the foot soldier,

"Greg! Get the door for me! I need to go grab my mask." Running back upstairs, I change into my tactical pants and grab my vest and my mask. I run back downstairs while putting on the mask and arrive in the living room where the soldier was waiting.

"Greetings White Fox. Boss said that you made the team." He signals me to the door, I walk out to see a armored black van. He opens the door, "Come in, we have work to do." The soldier said, so I jump in and we drove off.

"So what's the boss's name?" I ask.

"That's classified information, but we do have a name for him, we call him 'The Boss'." The soldier answers. No shit really? I didn't know that. I look down at my phone, someone texted me. "Good luck at your new job and sorry for what happened earlier. Hope you forgive me." It's from Greg. I smile faintly and turn off my phone, to see a bunch of monitors in the back. I look at the soldier, through his mask, his eyes were stuck to the road, so I said nothing.

After about a 30 minute drive we arrive at a heli pad in the middle of nowhere. An Apache sits on the pad waiting for us. "This is our stop. Get on and we'll fly there." The soldier says. So I get on board and take off. Soon enough I see a small base in the suburban areas of California we land and get out. "You're on your own now, get to the preparation room, you will be instructed of your first mission."

"Okay I understand." I slam the door and run inside. I don't feel excited often, but this awesome. May I should thank Greg for this. As I walk in I stop to see a sign reading, "Preparation Room" It pointed to the left, so I decide to go there. I open the door to see many faces in the dark. There was projection on the screen of the map of Los Angeles with a red circle marking the attack zone. A man in a camo suit was at the front.

"You must be White Fox. Please sit down." The man spoke. So I listened and sat down. The man continued to prepare us, "Okay! The VP has gotten another hit on us. Now your mission, search and destroy their latest weapon." The man points at a picture of a tank, "The Foxtrot. It's barrels are strong, and it reloads by itself. Take it out, failure is not an option." The room stays silent for awhile, "Dismissed." He says as we leave the room. Everyone heads outside to get on a truck to transport us.

As I get in the truck, I feel a tap on on my shoulder. I turn around and see a girl with long brown hair.

"Hey, you're White Fox right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe you are going to take part of this mission. I mean you're one of the best snipers in the nation!"

"Um, well how did you know that I was White Fox?"

"Don't you know? You pretty famous in the underworld. Almost all of the big mafias want to hire you as their personal bodyguard."

"Uh huh...and how did you join this militia?"

"Well my friend Watcher, he's a hacker!" She says with pride.

"Oh, my partner Gre...I mean Shadow is a hacker too..."

"Wow! What a coincidence! Oh I forgot, my name is Hunter." I smiled happily at my new friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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