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Complete absolute boredom.
I could smell the overwhelming aroma of rainwater and citrus from the kitchen.

I question my father

Yes! How did you know?

Just smelled something different from the normal candle whizzy burns.

I smile knowing exactly who I smelled.
I was writing back to Draco when another letter flew through the window.

This envelope was nicer parchment, definitely expensive and had a blue and grey wax seal.

I flipped it over as I pet Effie my owl.

From Draco again?
My father says in a rude tone with a scowl on his face.

No... it's from..
Lenora Kate Malfoy.
I read off of the envelope

What is it with the malfoys and writing you?
He questions in a rude manner

We're all really good friends....

Yes.. that's why you spent Christmas there, you are always wearing that pathetic black hoodie that you say isn't dracos and Draco always talks about you.
My dad says in disagreement.
Just admit it Kailyn!
You two fancy each other.

I couldn't tell him we had been dating for almost a whole year at this point so I just coughed up an answer.

I don't know what your talking about, and he talks about me?
I say pretending that I don't know that my father talks to Lucius and Narcissa all of the time.

Oh trust me. Narcissa has told me all about you two.

Shoot! How long has he known I think to myself.

I don't know what your talking about.

You know Dracos family is very dear to me, I don't like him... but I don't disapprove.... wait no! I do disapprove. He is vile... he won't treat you right, he is a Malfoy. An Odd lad he is...

I just laugh and continue to read the letter.

What is that supposed to mean?
I say with a small laugh.

He's just.... what about Cedric. He is a kind young man. You know how much of a kind man Amos-

Really! A hufflepuff?!? Come on father I would scare that poor boy away.

Surely not-
He says in a doubtful manner.

I just laugh at the thought of me dating Kates boyfriends older brother. Bryant would kill me.

The letter read:

Dearest kailyn,

I know spinners end has to be completely and entirely boring for you.
Whizzy can't keep company like a real human can.
I wanted to invite you to have a slumber party at my house, of course if Snape is alright with it.
Draco requested it was you as if it was going to be anyone else.
If you choose to come over just show up.
We will be expecting you

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