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Kate's P.O.V

It has been one hour since I became a mom. It was surreal. She was perfect.

Hey hon, I need to go talk to Kailyn. Would you mind watching Cedlyn for a bit?

Not at all darling. Hi Ceddy. Hi baby girl. What are you thinking about huh?

He gave me a kiss on the forehead and I walked out.

Hey what was up earlier? You looked upset but I was in too much pain to ask. I'm sorry.

  It's ok Kate. You were having a baby. 

A tear trickled down her face.

Are you ok? Kailyn tell me what happened. Please let me help.

He died a slow and painful death. He bled out from his neck. Voldemort ordered Nagini to kill him. He killed him over a stupid wand Kate. 

She punched the stone wall. And punched it again and again.

Kate, right now tell me what happened to him medically. Tell me right now so I can do the same to that bald (punch), pasty (punch), no nosed (punch), bastard (punch).

Let me see that hand. Give it to me. You need stitches. Let me grab some.

Tell me Kate right now!

I will while I'm sewing up your hand. Sit down.


You said he had blunt force trauma from a snake to the neck. He must have had a severed carotid artery. Carotid arteries are the major blood vessels in the neck that supply blood to the brain, neck, and face. They are approximately 1.5" under the surface of the skin. He would have had 5-15 seconds until he bleed out. I'm so sorry Kailyn.

She finally let out the tears I knew she had been holding back. She leaned over to me and hugged me. Kailyn is the type that never hugs someone. She has to be desperately sad to give you a hug. I am her best friend and this is the first hug she has ever given me.  

Kailyn, I'm so sorry. I am here for anything you need. 

I need space. Don't try and follow me Kate.

She walked off and out the door.


I'm already on it.

Harry's P.O.V
(In the woods)

I reached the forrest's edge. It was dark and gloomy and smelt of pine. Farther on I can see the dementors drifting in the tree line. It was a scary place to die.

I reached into my pocket to find a small golden orb. It was the snitch that I caught in my mouth first year. It's been so long and the world has changed so much since then. I was 17. I kinda got married and divorced. I have a child on the way with a girl that I care for but do not love. I am about to die. The world was so much more complicated then it was 6 years ago. I can still see Ron with dirt on his nose and Hermione with her bushy hair.

I took the snitch up to my lips. My fingers were trembling. I watched as the metal shell fell away to reveal the resurrection stone. At once, I closed my eyes and started to roll the stone in my hands.


I slowly opened my eyes. Standing in front of me was my mother, father, Remus, and Sirius. I saw my moms loving eyes and I walked towards her. I stopped right in front of her.

You've been so brave sweetheart.

Why are you all here? All of you?

We never left dear.

Does it hurt? Dying?

Quicker than falling asleep.

He will want it to be quick.

You're nearly there son.

I'm sorry. I didn't want any of you to die for me. And Remus, your son.

Others will tell him what his mother and father died for. Someday he'll understand...

You'll stay with me?

Until the very end.

He won't be able to see you?

Sirius shook his head and pointed to my chest.

We are here you see.

I turned to my mother.

Stay close to me.



I thought he'd come. I was, it seems... mistaken.

You weren't.

Harry! No! What're yeh doin' 'ere!

Harry Potter. They boy who lived. Come to die.

Avada Kedavra!

Narcissa's P.O.V

Cissy? Is he dead?

I will go see.

The boy. Is he dead?

The boy's eyes opened barely. I placed my hand on his heart to listen to his heartbeat. I knew it could get me killed, but I needed to know desperately. So I whispered to the boy.

Are they alive? Are my babies ok? Draco and Lenora? Is the baby ok?

The child moved his head to nod ever so slightly.

Thank you.


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