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Kate's P.O.V

I walked up to the door to the house that I knew belonged to the Lovegoods. I had been here thousands of times before for the countless shared sleepovers between Luna and I. The dark colored house had a weird shape to it. It just fit in with them.

When I knocked on the door Xenophilius answered cautiously.

My dear Kate, what are you doing here? And have you eaten you look so frail.

Yes I'm fine Mr. Lovegood. And yes I have eaten recently.

Good good. Now might I ask why you are here? Luna is out at the moment.

That's ok Mr. Lovegood. We are actually here to see  you. We have a question.

Who all is with you?

My boyfriend Bryant, my brother Draco, and my friends Kailyn, JoElla, Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Oh well yes I suppose you should come in. I'll put on a pot of tea.

Mr. Lovegood, I was wondering if you could tell us about a peculiar necklace you were wearing at the wedding of Bill and Fleur Weasley?

You mean this?

Yes, yes sir that's what we were looking for.

Does it possess some value to you Mr. Potter?

No sir, I was just wondering what is it?

Are you all familiar with the Tale of the Three brothers?


The rest of us said yes in unison. We listened to him tell us the story of the three brothers. Memories of mom reading these stories to me and Draco flood back. I miss the days of childhood when there was only good and evil no good people on the wrong side and no war.

That's when we figured out that he had alerted them we were here.

Please don't be angry with me. They took my Luna. They took her. She's all I have left.

We apparated to the woods. Just as we started to set up camp, we ran in to some snatchers. All dirty and dreadful looking they snarled at us and began to chase after us. We ran and we ran, but they caught up.

When we realized we couldn't escape, Hermione shot a spell in Harry's direction.  They had their hands containing all of us. I knew for the sake of the baby not to fight.

Give me names now.

We all gave him fake names.

Sir there is no Vernon Dudley on here.

  How come you don't want us to know who you are?

He got really close to Harry and started giving him weird looks. That's when I knew we were screwed.

Change of plans. We aren't taking this lot to the ministry.

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