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Name: Magnolialight

Past names:Magnoliakit, Magnoliapaw

Future names: Magnoliastar

Age: 23 moons

Gender: male

*Sexuality: bisexual

Rank: deputy

Clan: SkyClan


Personality: Magnolialight is a very organized and ambitious cat but his down fall is that he is very argumentative

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Personality: Magnolialight is a very organized and ambitious cat but his down fall is that he is very argumentative.

Bio: Magnolialight was one of two sons of Sableseed and Bitternheart. While Elkkit looked a lot like Bitternheart, Magnoliakit has always been told that he looks a lot like his grandmother. Growing up into apprenticeship Magnoliapaw was give Frosttail as an mentor. The two did not get along and constantly bumped heads, to the point Hollystar and the medicine cat Mallowleap threatened to separate them. However, both pushed through the others differences and actually became close to each other. When Magnolialight gained his warrior name, he and his brother Elkleap as well as his father, Bitternheart went for a hunt the next day to spend time together. When the deputy Minnowblaze dies shorty after replacing the old deputy, Hollystar choose Magnolialight as the cat to replace Minnowblaze.

Mate: open

Kits: open


Elkleap- a short, and thick pelt, dark brown and white tabby tom with dull amber eyes.


Sableseed (mother)- a short, and glossy, black smoked she cat with green eyes.

Bitternheart (father)- a long, and thick pelt, brown and white tom with dull hazel colored eyes.

Anything extra:

He is told the he looks a lot like his late grandma Heatherpetal, who was his father's mother.


You were waiting with the rest of the different clan cats that had been gathered tonight. Suddenly a yowl rang out saying SkyClan had finally made it to the gathering. Of course leading the group was their leader Hollystar, but what made the cats start to whisper. was the large ginger tabby tom take the place of what was Minnowblaze's spot with the other deputy's.

Sen 2:

You were there gathered with the rest of SkyClan having a memorial for the fallen deputy, Minnowblaze. It was interrupted by Hollystar asking for the clan to gather together. What came from the she cat next was that she was making Magnolialight the new deputy. This was a surprise to all of your clan mates as it was to the large tom himself, and you could see the hesitation he was trying to hide as well.

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