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Name: Hollowdrop

Past names: Hollowpaw, Hollowkit

Future names: none

Age: 24 moons old

Gender: female

*Sexuality: straight

Rank: warrior

Clan: WindClan


Personality: unlike Rosewatcher, Hollowdrop is very rude and self centered

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Personality: unlike Rosewatcher, Hollowdrop is very rude and self centered. She comes off as bossy and arrogant towards other, but that may have to with her mentor growing up. Around her family she is very protective and somewhat clingy to her littermates. Hollowdrop holds grudges too and isn't afraid to dish them out either.

Bio: Born in WindClan along side her littermates Rosewatcher, Frogeyes, and Coppertalon to Ryepad and Windnose. Hollowdrop all ways wanted to prove she can do anything her other siblings and those around her couldn't. This is how she caught the eyes of her mentor Fireshine, who is just as egotistical as she sounds. This lead to a lot of cats not wanting to befriend Hollowdrop because she took on her mentor's snobby and rude personality. But since Hollowdrop didn't really respond to how others looked or talked about her since she is very family driven. So when when Rosewatcher's mate was exiled and tried to take her sister, it did not go well with Hollowdrop. She had managed to get in a few deep cuts on the tom before she was pulled away. Hollowdrop will not hesitate if he ever showed back up again either.

Mate: Open

Kits: Open


Frogeyes (brother): a all white tom with large blue eyes and narrow muzzle and large ears.

Rosewatcher (sister): a diluted calico she cat that is mainly all white besides a few patches on her body, head, face and tail. She has dull blue eyes

Coppertalon (sister): a light brown colored she cat with long legs that are tan with white paws and amber eyes.


Ryepad ( mother): a pale golden colored slim she cat, with a narrow muzzle and large ears. She has grayish blue eyes.

Windnose ( father): an all white tom with pink nose and dark amber eyes.

Anything extra: Has it out for Rosewatcher's old mate.

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