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Name: Doveriver

Past names: Dove, Dovekit, Dovepaw

Future names: Dovestar

Age: 45 moons

Gender: female

*Sexuality: straight

Rank: deputy

Clan: RiverClan


Personality: Doveriver is a strong and stern she cat who can come across as harsh, especially to her own kits

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Personality: Doveriver is a strong and stern she cat who can come across as harsh, especially to her own kits. Despite this, Doveriver is a very good leader and is a fast thinker when it comes down to it.


Doveriver was originally born outside of camp when her mother was wrongfully exiled. Her mother Mallowdawn decided to go back to RiverClan once a patrol was set out to find her and the kits. Doveriver grew up in RiverClan along side her brother Bayflight, and both siblings watched their father be slain in battle by a SkyClan warrior.

Mallowdawn was never the same after the death of Doveriver's father, and her mother shortly passed away not long after her father. Once Doveriver and Bayflight became warriors, Doveriver became mates with Nutmegpounce. The tom had been by her side since her father's passing and the two where very close.

Doveriver gave birth to a still birth liter as her first liter with Nutmegpounce. It made her very scared to give birth again, but after many moons she fell pregnant again with her now kits.

Doveriver doesn't talk about Nutmegpounce once since he was exiled and attacked her brother. Not even her kits know of what their dad was like, and they never really asked about him since they were little.

Mate: Nutmegpounce (formerly): a cinnamon colored long haired tom with tabby markings and amber eyes.


Poppypaw (Daughter): pale gold tabby tortoiseshell she cat with amber eyes,

Pepperpaw (Daughter):  light gray and black tortoiseshell she cat with hazel eyes ,

Cottonpaw (Son) dark smoke grey tom with long hair and bright hazel eyes,

Mahoganypaw (Son): light cinnamon colored classic tabby tom with amber eyes


Bayflight (brother): a tan colored tom with a stripe down his back and a long tail. He has a scar on the right side of his face and has hazel eyes.


Mallowdawn (mother/deceased)

Shellsplash (father/ deceased)

Anything extra: she doesn't like talking about Nutmegpounce.

She hates SkyClan because of what happened to her father l, which led to her mother so pass away shortly after due to heartbreak.

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