Chapter 3- Get me out of here.

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I opened my eyes only to see darkness all around me.

I tilted my head in confusion. Where was I?

I'm floating. So I guess gravity doesn't really exist here.

My hair is flowing fabulously in here though. That's cool so I guess I'll keep that in mind.

(If you're bald then just say "my head moves faster here. Sweet.")

While appreciating my hair, a Game Over screen glowed right in front of my face.

I immediately deadpanned and asked no one in particular.

"Am I dead?"


I startled at the voice that echoed in the void other than mine.

"Who's there?"

A yellow flower with a smiley face poked its head around the screen.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey the flower!"

"Sup Asriel," I waved with a dry chuckle.

"....??? How did you know that?! I've never seen such a pesky human like you in the underground," Flowey's face crinkled and I couldn't help but feel superior for confusing the psychotic megalomaniac.

"I'm sure you did. Maybe your pea brain got more inflated over these years enough to forget me," I shrugged while he got more ticked off.


"Chill bro. I'm just kidding. Are all monsters just reincarnated hotheaded anime characters?"

"What?" He got confused once more.

"Nevermind. Why are you here anyway?" You want my soul or something?"

"Yeah," Damn, being straightforward here are we?

"No," if he is cutting right into it. Then I won't hesitate to do it back to him either.

He stretched over his neckvine right over to me and blinked at me.

"Why?" He asked with puppyeyes.

This mf is using puppyeyes on me.

I'm so done with him.


The only current problem is that he was covering the Reset button and Continue button with his vines.

Sneaky bastard.

I could only roll my eyes.
I guess I'll have to fucking go with it, don't I?

"What are you going to do when you get my soul?"

"With a human soul it will strengthen me enough to go around the world to retrieve more human souls making me the most powerful being in the galaxy. Making me GOD! And then I can finally destroy all the humans on this planet! AhaghahahhaHAHAHHHHhaaha!"

"Uh huh, which is exactly the reason why I'm not giving it to you."

"Why?! I'll use it better than the shitty life you are wasting it on right now."

Oh wooooooooooooow.
He just had to cross the line didn't he.

I stepped closer to his face to whisper on what I have thought about his statement.

"Listen here you motherfucker, how I live is none of your concern and I am happy with how I am living right now, so don't you dare shit on MY life."

"You live your life simping on blockmen."


"You didn't sleep for the past few months ever since you've started simping on them."

"I already was like that long before that, but that's true too."

"All the food in your fridge is rotten."

"Ah yeah, I forgot to clean it out last month. Hehe."

"You still have twelve assignments left which are due for next Thursday."

"I'm just gonna blame it on my wifi."

"Bullshit. You're spending your time way too much over people who will never acknowledge you."

"So? Who cares?"


"Look, I'm content with how I'm living right now so if you're trying to give me midlife crisis then you deserve an award for successfully wasting your life on someone you think who has no life."


"Now if you'll excuse me."

I took off both of my shoes and lifted it up to his face.

"Are you trying to make me faint from how disgusting your shoes smell? Hah! Flowers don't have noses, you idiot!"

"It's idot, not idiot, you asshole. Urgh. So much for being one of the smartest beings in the underground."

I inhaled deeply then without further ado, dug one of my shoes on his face.

"YOWCH-! The hell?!"

He tried to shake it off but it was stuck on his face.

"What's wrong step-Flowey? Are you stuck?"

"Shut the fuck up, bitch. I can't see anything!"

I started to grin, but the grin had only stretched wider when I saw some of the vines retract from the Reset and Continue buttons to help himself take off my shoe.

'Don't ever waste this moment or else you'll be stuck with this bastard for eternity,' I silently reminded myself.

"FOR THE BLOCKMEN!!!!!" I screamed out from my lungs and threw my remaining shoe across the void, right onto the Reset button.


My grin turned triumphant as I looked at the pissbaby that was still struggling to pull my shoe out of his face.

My body started to turn transparent and my soul started to shine brightly out of my chest.

'Red..... I am determined, I guess?'

Shaking away the confusion, I looked back at the flower as it finally took off the shoe and growled at me with a twisted face.

His vines stretched out to strangle me, grab me, do anything, but he was already too late.

The last thing he saw was me giving him a middle finger and whooping at him the following statement:




Tada. This is how I treat my favorite Undertale character.

(Oh and btw the reason why Reader chose Reset instead of Continue is because she doesn't want to go back to dealing with those skeletons lmao)

I'm having so much fun writing this shit.

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