Chapter 2- I do not want to deal with this. Ever.

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I have been staying up all night simping over Minecraft Streamers.

What has my life come to.

Meh, at least I'm still happy with what I have.

Three hours of sleep? No problem! I'd do anything for my favorite streamers. They made my life better in this quarantine that we're being stuck in for a long while. So that's why I'm devoting myself to them at all times.

I turn my phone on and look at the time. Oh great it's already morning.

I walk out of my room and head into the kitchen which was open towards the diningroom.

Guess what I found?

Those fucking skeletons.

They were seated at the table and looked like they were busy discussing something. I brush my messy hair with my fingers and just blurt out with an unbearable pain in my head. Probably from lack of sleep.

"Are you serious?"

That seemed to have grabbed their attention. All three of them immediately looked at me, each of them with different glows in their eye sockets,

I could only cross my arms and roll my eyes.

"Already getting aggro-ed on my first impression? Well too bad you'll have to deal with it, Sans," their shared name was spoken with boredom.

Aggro: Short for Aggravated or Aggressive used in gaming terms

Undertale Sans' eyesocket was the first to change back into normal and was first to ask.

"You know us, huh. How much?"

"Everything. As much as I did not need to know," I may not make sense here but my mind cringed from remembering ecto-skeleton dicks I've looked on the internet when I was younger.

"We need to get rid of her," Underfell Sans was still aggro. Ah, poor fella. It was obvious he would be still very much be on guard since from what I remember he grew up in violence and lived in it.

"Woah easy there, tiger, I'm not gonna die that easily. Actually I would love to, but I still have to meet my favorite streamers in real life. So I can't," I shrugged, letting out a dry laugh.

"Really? Then how'd you like that?!"

Underfell Sans instantly summoned his Gasterblade and pointed at me in a threatening manner.

"At least not in your hands ya dingus," I glared at him. Damn, my head's aching.

"Well let's see about that, punk!"

He jumped out of his seat despite his friends' pleading looks.

Looks like mister Mc edgypants has blew his fuse already.

He jumped up almost as high as my ceiling could reach and swung down his weapon onto me.

I legit did not catch any sleep last night and I didn't eat yet, meaning my tummy grumbled pretty loudly even while being in a life or death situation.

My fear paralysis forbid me from moving at the spot nor closing my eyes, so I could only stand there just waiting for the blade to inevitably puncture my numbskull.

Ultimate Anti Sans Simp <AU Sanses X Reader>Where stories live. Discover now