The Invite

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Lily, Siria, Luna, and I were taking a walk outside in the park. The sunset-themed colors of leaves-red, orange, yellow, and a little bit of green- made me under the impression that It was fall. And I was right! I was thinking about how Lionel, my younger cousin, would think about this. Tomorrow was his birthday! But I was surprised. 

"What was that?" I ask my friends and sister.

"What are you talking about?" Luna asked back.

"Lionel..he's there!" I explained. There was no way I could mistake that bright orange hair and that great gold hat that Lionel liked to wear. 


Lionel came running towards me, with 4 cards. I guess it was an invite to his birthday party tomorrow, because it is the last day he can give them out! 

Lionel and I stared at each other, but he broke eye contact to talk to Lily.

"Lily, can you give these to your friends and your sister?" Lionel asked. I was shocked to see that he didn't use our names.

"Okay, but why can't you give the cards to them straightaway? They are right here!"

The awkward feeling Lionel gave us the cards, one by one, and ran off. I have never seen him in a mood like this! But......

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