One short

10 2 2

Uncle Nick was in Dad's seat in the car to drive us to the party. Dad took Mum's seat. Mum took Siria's seat, as Siria's mother picked Siria up to bring Siria to the party. The rest of us stayed in place. As Uncle Nick drove, we heard a "BANG!", and we went to check out what it was. Mother thought it might me dangerous for Lily, because she was only 7 years old. Me and Luna were 11, so we came with Dad and Uncle Nick while Mum stayed in the car to watch over Lily.

"We'll tell you all about it, Sissy," I whispered calmly. 


We walked out, onto the sidewalk, and ran behind our van. An 11 year old girl was lying on the floor. I couldn't believe it. It was Siria. 

I ran my fingers across her bleeding arm, to see if she could jerk her arm away, like she usually does. But she didn't. She was unconscious, bleeding, and we had to help her.

Her mother was scowling, shouting, screaming about her daughter in a coma. Dad said we had to go home. And that's when I came in the van and it wasn't moving, even though it was on and Uncle Nick was steering the wheel. It was a green light on the traffic light, and no cars were in front of us. That was when two voices in my head started arguing. 

We need to ask what's wrong, to get to the party. 

But no, I need to check on Siria!

You can't, it is too dangerous.

But I am 11 years old!

Still. Imagine you having a coma, and an 11 year old came running towards you and watching over you. How would you feel?

I don't think I would feel anything, because I would be unconscious, right?

Still, it Is risky. Do you want to come to Lionel's party or not?


After that, everyone seemed to be staring at me. I guess I might have actually shouted that last sentence when I thought I was thinking. Sure enough, Uncle Nick put a finger to his lips. 

Two accidents in a row, I thought, two accidents. What if another one happens at Lionel's Party?

I was worried. Then Siria's mother asked mine something that I would say « Of course! » to.

"Is it okay if we stay in this car to bring Siri  to the hospital? The guy with cancer in room 299 went away.., there's a free space for Siri there..."

I half cried, while the other half of me was calm. 


I was so happy that Mom allowed us to go to the hospital with Siria. A while later, we were checking out. Again, Dad said SOMETHING about Lily.

"...and Lilith. This is an emergency, so when can we go?" Asked dad fiercely.

"Now, but three of you wait outside the door while the rest go. Then the people who went in first get out, leaving the last three-"  The lady began.

"Okay we get it! Cards?" He inquired as he banged the table in fury.

"Here." The lady told herself not to say more. 

We hurtled to the second floor, and to room 299. We agreed that Lily, Luna, and I would be the three waiting outside.

"Lily...Luna..we need to talk." I said.

"Y..y...yes...Siria....gone...." murmured Lily.

As we talked, our last sentence was me saying: "She should have stayed in the car." 

"Your turn." Sobbed Siria's mother.

"SIRIA!!" Luna exclaimed.

"" Siria stuttered.

"You're at the hospital, and Uncle Nick came back to his bed. Are you okay?" Lily asked back.

"Don't..know.....sister....window.....eye.....fell....." Siria muttered.

"I understand," I said, looking at her in her dark brown eyes, "but what I don't understand is what happened to your sister."

"Car...crash....sister....bleeding....face...." Siria sobbed quietly.


Siria's POV: 4 hours before the party

After my incident, no one dared to go outside in a vehicle. They were too worried about their children. Mother was very, very worried about me. I heard her having a conversation with father.

"She almost died, DIED, Xander, and then Siria too, both our kids! Both Catherine and Siria! How do you think we can ever go in the car again?"

"Isabelle, we have to," replied dad, "for the party."

I completely forgot about the party. Luckily, mother already packed my suitcase.

"Well, we will be able to bring Siria, now that she is able to walk again. But we can't bring Catherine, she's been bleeding for hours." Said Mother. "It'll be one short."

Dear readers, I am so sorry for such a long chapter! A lot of words, huh? The next chapter for full time will be Luna's POV. Don't worry, If you wanted Frost's POV for the party, I will post it. Next chapter is he drive to the party. Luna's drive has more exiting stuff than the others, even more that Siria. See you in the next chapter!

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