Still Alone

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Hey, Readers! I'm sorry I haven't been here for Long. I mean, I had homework. Loads. Now I'm finally finished all of it, we'll get back to the story! It's in Luna's POV, and it starts with her on her bike.

"Luna, get Sunny and come. You are going to Lionel's birthday!" Mom called. She insisted for us to go on bikes. 

We pedaled and pedaled. Until I fell off my seat. My helmet unbuckled, and I was falling, falling slowly, to the ground. I saw me, down in earth. Was I dead? Was I.. a devil? Did I do something wrong? But no, that couldn't be, I heard Sunny say, "She's still breathing. Heart still pumping. She's alive." 

I slowly opened my eyes, and I was in the car. It was dad's newest one, one that nothing bad can happen to. I went back to sleep, and when I woke up, I was in the hospital, arguing with Siria.

"Ugh, Luna, why won't you listen? Lionel needs you in the party, not here,"

"Siria, Lionel is outrageous! I don't like him." I argued back.

Siria was on Lionel's side, but I didn't like Lionel. But why? I had no reason.

Then I actually opened my eyes, to find myself in the car, alone.

I was being unlike myself, happy that it was morning, going to be scared at night. I had gained  Nyctophobia. The phobia of darkness. But for some reason.. I was afraid of friends. I think I had... Anthrophobia.

I was alone, still alone, and I was glad I was.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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