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In China there were a lot of people talking. The government was trying to cover it up and get it under control but...

A flying girl in the sky where no one could shoot her down was pretty hard to control. She flew so quickly over multiple places. Collecting peddles and small rocks, going back and fourth to the ocean. Luckily she carried a bag with her so it made it much easier to collect multiple peddles and rocks. Still it seemed like the ocean was a vast wormhole that just swallowed up any progress that seemed to be made.

" ugh... this is gonna take forever..." Jing Wei spoke, thinking that sometimes she should just give up but she made an oath and she intended to keep it.

" oh no. Not you guys again..." Jing Wei said, seeing multiple men in that same blue and black uniform follow and hunt her down again.

They aimed their guns at her and shot. She quickly dodged and hide behind a boulder. Aiming her cross bow at them and shooting them back. She took each one of them down with only one arrow, that penetrated their bullet proof vest. Into their hearts. She really thought the police people were the ocean guards or something after centuries of taking pebbles Jing Wei honestly thought this was the seas revenge.


Things weren't fairing any better in the province states. Recently there has been talk of a nine tailed fox spirit. Da Ji of course loves and I mean loves gold and jewels really anything that's of value.

" hahahahaha!" Da Ji was heard laughing as she slaughtered and killed thousand of innocents for her own greed.

She was a crazed and deranged nine fox, she just enjoyed the torment of people too much.

The government sent its best people to hunt her down but they all ended in failure. Da Ji was just too skilled at killing, her nine tailed fox tricks kept fooling them too. How could she just pop up right behind them? Maybe because she's a trickster goddess? Her claws and blades she carried were no joke. They could cut through anything and were embedded with godlike melting heat that made them cut through anything, funny too because heat is suppose to stop the bleeding but for Da Ji it didn't work like that, instead it still made you bleed even though it burned your wounds.

Jing Wei and Da Ji just happen to cross paths. A sniper finally manage to take down Jing Wei, clipping one of her wings making her go down. Da Ji having the keen eyes of a fox saw this, and of course investigated.

She walked up to Jing Wei who was holding where they had shot her in pain.

Jing Wei: " ow wow ow..." not enjoying the feelings of pain.

Jing Wei looked up at Da Ji who approached her, getting a bad feeling from her. Jing Wei stood back up and aimed her cross bow at her.

Da Ji, heating up her claws with a smile on her face.

Jing Wei: " um I don't know who or what you are but I have my own troubles so I'd really appreciate it if uh we could not fight" telling Da Ji she doesn't want any trouble.

Da Ji: " aww I'm sorry, but I can't help it." Wanting to kill Jing Wei.


Discordia: " I just love seeing them fight amount themselves" enjoying the utter chaos. In addition to causing it.

In one small area of Greece, she's been making all the townspeople turn on each other. While sitting on the rooftops and watching. Giggle and laughing at her work.

That's when Nemesis appeared.

Nemesis: " do you think your crimes will go unpunished?" Chasing after Discordia.

Discordia: " aww can't you just turn a blind eye?" Jokingly since they say justice is blind.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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