Theory #1

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Could Sophie be a Mesmer?

I know it seems crazy. Sophie already has so many abilities. Why give her another? But in Neverseen chapter 6 page 57 when Della is showing Mr. Forkle how powerful she is, Mr. Forkle mesmers her to drop her arm to her side. 

This may seem like nothing, but in Legacy when Mr. Forkle was giving Sophie her memory back, we see that Mr. Forkle could also slightly enhance. This was because he was testing her abilities on himself. 

He could've tested mesmerizing on himself, seeing if it was fit for Sophie.

I found out that this theory couldn't be possible though because in Legacy (I think. It could've also been Flashback or something) Mr. Forkle said he didn't make her a mesmer because they can only do so much. 

Maybe this power could still come through. If Sophie ever gets another ability I bet it would be a mesmer.

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