Theory #4

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Could Mr. Forkle be Sophie's biological father?

I know Mr. Forkle has said time and time again that he's not Sophie's biological father. But now we know there are two Mr. Forkles. What if the one that died (I'm calling him Forkle #1) was Sophie's biological father, and the other Forkle (Forkle #2) isn't? Forkle #2 wasn't lying when he said he wasn't Sophie's father, because he really wasn't, it was his brother, Forkle #1.

It would have to be Forkle #1 because in Legacy (I think) Sophie asks Forkle #2 if he's her father. He says no, meaning her real father died.

It's kinda a long shot, but I'm desperate to find out who Sophie's biological dad is.

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