Theory #3

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Who is Glimmer?

Glimmer is a mysterious Flasher who left the Neverseen in Legacy. All we know about her appearance is that she has black hair. I have two theories to who she might be.

#1: A Long Lost Song Sibling? (not original)

In the back of Legacy there is a small part that shows some of Tam's point of view (I don't know if all the copies of Legacy have this). In this part there is lots of interaction with Glimmer. She sounded like she always tried her best to reach out to Tam and befriend him. Maybe she did this because she saw the resemblance. She could be Tam and Linh's older sister. 

Think about it. Mai and Quan Song hate the fact that they have twins. If they didn't want to face the scorn of having multiple children and twins, maybe they gave Glimmer away to the Neverseen. It is sad, but it definitely sounds like something they would do.

We also don't know Mai or Quan's abilities. One of them could easily be a Flasher.

#2: Keefe's Sister? (not original)

I know it's crazy, but it could be true. Lady Gisela said Glimmer was the Neverseen's most devoted member. This could be because Gisela, the leader of the cause, is her mom. She could've been raised into the cause. 

A reason this might be wrong is her appearance. Glimmer has black hair, and all the Sencens are blonde. Her ability also doesn't match up either.

The first theory probably fits better, but you never know.

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