3: Bed

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Author's Note:

Alright, so it's been ages but this one is sort of priceless, and who doesn't like drunk Meredith Grey?


Lust, Love, Confessions, & A Really Really Pink Barbie Car

Meredith Grey is about to start drunk driving in a toy car, and Addison Montgomery saves her.

Chapter 3: Bed

Meredith is still wasted, and Addison is still a good person

"Okay, I've had my fluids and now I wanna go for a ride," says Meredith Grey, the moment she finishes up her Gatorade.

"Oh no, no drinking and driving, remember?" says Addison Montgomery, pointedly.

"Right. Ooh! But YOU can drive," says Meredith, not bothering to wait before clamoring over Addison and moving her over to the 'driver's seat' of the really really pink Barbie car.

"Whoa- Meredith- what!?" says Addison as she's being handled this way all of a sudden.

The contact makes her hot, and Meredith can't help but grind her hips down as she keeps crawling around in such an enclosed space.

"Meredith!" Addison says. "Stop squirming!" she giggles.

"But I need you to drive!" says Meredith.

"Okay, we can go for a drive, and then we're going to drive home, okay?" says Addison.

"Okay," says Meredith, leaning her head down on top of Addison's shoulder.

Addison enjoys the warmth of Meredith's body close to hers, and she makes car noises and pretends to steer the plastic steering wheel to entertain Meredith.

"Wait, what if there's a stop sign?" says Meredith.

"Then I'll stop," says Addison.

"Okay," says Meredith. "Ooh, can we have car sex?" says Meredith, dragging her hand up onto Addison's hip.

"No car sex," says Addison.

"Right, because it could be dangerous," says Meredith.

"Right," says Addison, as she reaches down to move Meredith's hand off of her hip.

"But what if I just feel you up a little bit?" says Meredith, moving her hand back to Addison's calf.

"Meredith..." says Addison warningly, as Meredith drags her hand back up Addison's leg.

"Could you just park so we can grind and make out?" Meredith pouts.

"Meredith, nothing's gonna happen tonight," insists Addison.

"Not even a little bit a groping?" says Meredith.

"No groping," says Addison.

"How about some fondling?" says Meredith.

"No fondling either," says Addison.

"Ooh! How about some touchy-feely-" Meredith tries.

"Meredith, no sex, no touching like that," says Addison.

"But you said we could cuddle," says Meredith.

"Right. And I meant platonically," says Addison.

"Sooooooooooo no kissing then?" says Meredith.

"No kissing," says Addison.

"No biting? Or squeezing? Or rubbing? Or-" Meredith keeps on rambling.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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