Chapter 13

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Ruby's P.O.V.

Lou was right about this secret entrance, once we were through the doors a few guards stood near it, but they didn't even bother to check on us. I'm guessing that friends of the boys, family members or other celebrities might go through there if they were seated in the front rows.

Farah was walking right beside me, probably overwhelmed by the huge crowd of fans too. I've seen the Suncorp Stadium on TV and in pictures, but in real life it's so much larger then it looks. Stretching back so far with sections and sections filled of teenage girls. So many rows of seats that it looked as if they touched the sky. You could barely hear yourself in this environment, just as if every sound was mixed into one crazy blur.

I take in the front row and notice that Preston, the guard we were talking to earlier tonight, was standing at the end of it, blocking any fans from standing in the spot. That must we where Farah and I are sitting tonight.

"Hey let's walk down to Preston, they're most likely our spots," I say to Farah shaking her arm to get her attention.

"Oh, yeah, okay!" she replies, after finally stopping from looking around the stadium.

As we make our way to Preston, I look at the various fans in the front row, mostly teenage girls looking all done up. Some seemed a bit obnoxious and uptight, obviously the fans who had the money for front row seats. There was one older looking women with a girl covered in One Direction tattoos and merch, so she must be the mother of that girl. A few of them looked at us as we passed, almost as if they knew we weren't proper fans of the boys- but I smiled politely back at them, I honestly didn't want to have 16 year old rich girls complaining about us tonight.

We now reached Preston and he saw us too saying, "Ruby! Farah! Here is your spots for tonight's concert. I've got to go again and check out the safety of other rows, but have fun!"

"Thanks, I'm sure we will!" Farah yells over the noise to Preston. He smiles and nods his head, then shuffles away to his other duties.

"Hey Rubes, we should take a selfie before the show starts! Surprisingly we haven't already this night!"

"Wow, true we haven't! Not like us to be breaking the trends of our group selfies," I reply laughing at my own joke. Farah takes out her iPhone, and holds up the front camera snapping a few shots of us. I smile casually in one of them, but the rest I pull excited or maybe insane faces.

"You'll have to send them to me okay?" I ask. I don't usually take many pictures of myself, nor put them up online. But most photos I had were with Farah, or just ones of places and random little things in the world- basically my journalist side comes out in those photographs. Though I do plan on taking a few photos, or even possibly videos, of tonight and uploading them to my Instagram account. It's not everyday you get front row photos of One Direction.

"I'm going to take a photo of the stage and crowd now," I say to Farah, but she's too busy to hear me because she is already picking out a filter for our selfies.

I pull out my phone from my bag and snap a few different angles of the stage. I then turn to my left and slowly walk in full circle getting a panorama photo of the stadium, this will definitely show the massive capacity of it all.

"Hey I think 5sos are going in a few minutes!" I hear a girl beside Farah say, wow the night was just beginning!

"Rubes, it's happening, it's really happening!" Farah says to me jumping up and down squealing.

"I know! Just promise me you won't be hyperventilating through the whole night!"

"Oh I'll try, but I think it's nearly impossible!"

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