Chapter 15

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Niall's P.O.V.

Did that seriously just happen? I'm not just hallucinating? I kissed Ruby? Well, not just some simple peck on the lips, but one filled with more passion than I have ever experienced. Her lips felt amazing to work with and I know they will continue leaving me desperate for more. I'm not sure if I'll tell the lads about this event for a little while, it's not publicly official, and God knows how the media would react to this. So that's another thing I'll have to make Ruby aware of, just really how intense potential relationships/hook-ups are to the world of media.

I'm glad this occurred though, it's what I wanted and it seemed to be what Ruby wanted as well. A few days ago I wasn't so certain on my feelings for Ruby, but now I know. I know that this girl won't just be some pointless fling that will last for like 2 weeks, it will be something much deeper.

I'm in the doorway of the common room watching as Ruby talks quietly with Farah, occasionally nodding. I wonder if she will tell her about our secret incident- most likely considering she's her best friend.

I hear footsteps behind me coming closer so I turn around and I'm face to face with Robin. Great, just the man I was hoping to see tonight.

“Hey Niall, can we talk for a moment outside?” Robin asks, folding his arms.

“Yeah, of course,” I reply, observing him with curious eyes.

I step out from the doorway and follow Robin a bit further down the hallway. My guess is that this “talk” is concerning Ruby, but whatever he has to say about her, if it's unreasonable, I won't stand for it.

He faces me again and states, “You probably already guessed, but this is about Ruby.” Wow, who knew?

“Yes, I kind of figured that.”

“The thing is Niall, you're a pop-star, stuck in the world's current most famous boy band, who has many standards. I understand that you're an adult and you can talk to whoever you want, but you have a reputation to consider.”

I'm trying my hardest not to laugh at his foolish words, “A reputation, Robin?”

“Indeed, people are constantly watching you, talking about you, writing about you and keeping tabs on you. You can't just go off with some random Australian girl you met unexpectedly. Maybe if it were someone famous, wealthy or of a much higher status it would be suitable. But we barely know this girl,” he says, trying to express his point.

“But Robin, I don't care about that anymore. Let the media write whatever crap pleases them.”

“You're forgetting one very major feature Niall; your fans. The rumours, the drama, the hate and just overall the fuss will be endless.”

Oh yes, the fans of course.

“Okay, okay, the fans are always making up rumours that are harmless to possibly worrying though. It's nothing new.”

“Well obviously not, but like I said, we barely know this girl. If she were say, an artist like you, she could have fans of her own that would defend and know the true her. Ruby is just another person in the crowd, people will make up completely wrong things about her and try to convince others it's the truth; because they wouldn't know if it were anyway.”

Robin's harsh, but usual professional words hit me hard. Ruby, another person in the crowd? Maybe to everyone else, but to me, she's the only one I see.

“The fact is, I really like this girl Robin! I have feelings for her that she shares with me. I know you're worried for my reputation or whatever, but I'm honestly used to it. I have people that can support me through it just like I will support Ruby with the hate she might receive. In the end I know the truth so that's all that matters.”

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