Chapter 11

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Niall's P.O.V.

Liam and I were now seated down in my car, stuffing hamburgers into our mouths. McDonald's was the closest place from the stadium to have a drive through, and we tend to get a lot of junk food on tour, which isn't great, but we figured what does it matter? Celebrities can indulge in fatty food too.

Liam took at bite at his burger and I decided to break the silence of munching, "So, tell me what's going on with Sophia; details are also necessary in this case."

He stopped eating and sighed for a moment, then said, "It's the distance. But more so the attention she's been getting lately from the media. She has all of her online accounts private, like I told her to do, but that doesn't stop the flashing cameras and crazy paparazzi in her face whenever we go out in public."

This was something we as band can never really control.

"My whole life is going to be surrounded by cameras, fans, paps, screaming and so on! I just would like for the first time, having a girlfriend that would be willing to stick with me through my intense career. But they that shouldn't have to deal with that! There is no in between Niall, I can either get a girl who's only interested in my fame and money, who wouldn't mind all of the attention and stay together all through my job. Or someone who I truly care about and who loves me back, to only last a year and then move on because of my hectic life. God dammit! I just love her so much but this was always my dream job! I can't quit one for the other, it's impossible!"

Just as the last word escapes from Liam's mouth he jumps out of the car and punches a sign in the parking lot. I hear the thud and then a groan come from him, it must've hurt. He stands there with his back facing towards me clenching his left hand in pain. Should I wait until he's calmed down and ready to leave? Or should I just go up to him now?

I find my legs walking me out of the car and over towards him. He squats down onto the ground and covers his face with the unharmed hand. I look to his left hand and see the purple bruises already forming on his knuckles.

"Liam," I say.

He doesn't reply, "Liam, we can work this out-"

"No we can't," he curtly replies.

"Yes we can, but first you need to keep an open mind."

"What's the point, I'll only be left upset again."

"I thought we were going to work things out!" I shout at him, my temper was rising.

"That was until I realised there was now nothing to be happy about."

"What the hell do you mean?! Yes you're currently struggling with the chance of a breakup now, but look on the bright side- you've achieved your dream job, you've been to so many incredible places with the band and made so many people happy out there! Huge amounts of people respect, support and love you! You're just too blind to see it."

Silence runs over us again and Liam is still on the ground covering his face. I hear a slight sniffle come from him, he's crying.

"I-I'm, I'm sorry," he mumbles out between the sniffs.

I squat down on the ground in front of him and remove his hand from his face.

"Liam, there's things I'm worried about too okay- mainly just Ruby tonight, but you've got to have faith in yourself and that Sophia will come around."

He moves his eyes from the ground and looks up to me, "You're right, again, I just can't bare lose her okay? She's too precious to me."

The way he speaks of Sophia is the way I hope to speak of a girl one day, maybe even Ruby.

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