Reincarnation (platonic Lennison, sort of)

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If reincarnation is real somehow, John Lennon would be like 39 years old rn. And George Harrison would be like 17.

Lowkey wanna see an AU where Reincarnated John and Reincarnated George have wacky adventures and try to reconnect with Paul and Ringo without looking like creepy-ass crazy fans.

John extra baby-ing George since now he's a literal baby compared to him, Geo hating it even more because he's an angsty teenager. John would be, like, an almost millenial and George is Gen Z, which more or less translates in George saying a lot of weird memes and making tiktoks and John either cringing or just going 'same'.

((I wanna give John big JennaMarbles energy, a chaotic 39 year old gentleman who does a lot of weird shit for the fun of it but doesn't come off as cringy or creepy for it)).

Reincarnation also means they're different people now... They probably only have fleeting memories and dreams of their past lifes, and spend their current ones wondering why they connect so much with famous musicians from ages ago.

I could see a little John, 12 years old or so, pouring himself over the Anthology and having very vivid flashbacks he can do nothing about because he's too young and doesn't understand half of what he's seeing.

Actually for John it must be awful. What if he's tried, since he was old enough to understand, to find Paul George and Ringo, and they just refuse to believe him/don't have time to listen to him? And when Geo dies, he's immediately looking over registers of newborn children, hoping to find Geo's soul? Maybe he finds him quickly and makes sure to spend as much time with him as possible to stir his memories early on?

Second thought: what if in this life John is George's dad? Ages match. It would be less creepy for them to be so close considering the age gap like this. Geo would absolutely hate that, too *snorts*. Maybe John adopts George? Idk idk idk.

I just had the very emotional thought, of John and whoever his wife is in this universe ((a pretty asian lady? Maybe a blonde artist? Or did he grew out of that what with the change of life and that?)), having a child in 2002, tossing names back and forth, and not deciding on anything.

Then when the baby is born and John holds him for the first time, he realizes he has very familiar eyes. After crying a little, he goes 'George. His name's George'.

And hours later, when they're on the way home, listening to the radio, it's announced the great George Harrison has died of cancer, and John holds the steering wheel a bit too tight while containging tears he couldn't explain.

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