The Truth (Starrison)

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It's Hamburg Era, Paul and John are together, but George's in love with Paul. A rather sad circunstance, since Paul's head over heels for John and John only, and sees George as his baby brother and nothing else.

And, to George's dismay, he's got an admiror of his own, in the form of one Richard Starkey. They are good friends, hang out from time to time, Ringo's a Hurricane and that makes him like royalty in the Reeperbahn area. Geo does admire him a lot, but unfortunately feels nothing for him.

And it's all a mess of feelings, and George continuously feels bad for rejecting Ritchie, but can't bring himself to see him any other way, and his feelings for Paul don't disminish in any way, shape or form...

And then one day George wakes up, except that instead of sleeping on a ratty mattress with a british flag as his only cover, he finds himself in a very comfortable, very large bed, with a stranger lying by his side.

Obviously he's terrified and freaking out, until the unknown man wakes up. And George immediately recognizes those blue eyes, that grey streak.

Ringo's presence helps him calm down a little, but he's still thoroughly confused. He looks... Older. His hair is longer, like a bird's, and instead of his usual scruff he has a moustache...

Then he thinks of looking at a mirror, and the freakout comes once again. Ritchie's not the only one who looks older, and Geo seems to be winning on this odd competition of seeing who can grow all of their hair the fastest.

Ringo just holds him and hums for him, some odd song Geo's never heard before, but that does make him feel much better. Then he starts asking questions.

Where are they, what happened to them, where are John and Paul, how did they got here...

He doesn't even give Ritchie a chance to talk, he just keeps asking until he runs out of breath. Ringo himself merely asks him what's the last thing he remembers, and Geo tells him about Hamburg.

The following couple of hours are... Not exactly disturbing, but quite confusing actually.

Apparently, they're in an estate, Friar Park, which belongs entirely to them. It's 1975, which means somehow George either jumped or forgot the past fifteen years of his life.

Fifteen very eventful years, to an extent Ringo can't even hope to start fully explaining before he's interrupted by a child who gets into the room and jumps to their bed.

The small creature hugs both of them, gives them 'good morning's and requests to skip school just this once, please, the mean kids keep bothering him with the Submarine song, pleeease-

Ringo denies that request, tells the boy to go get ready and wait for him, and gets properly dressed once he does.

All throughout the small scene, George is even more confused. The lad reminds him of himself, quite a lot, but those eyes... He has bright blue eyes.

'Say, Ritchie, who's that little boy?'

'Thas' Dhani. Our son'


Wait, what?!

Ringo tells him he must drive *their son* to school, that he'll be right back, asks George to be careful and try not to worry too much, that he'll explain everything once he's back, and leaves.

Geo figures he might as well explore this place, try and find something that might give him some answers.

Tough luck with that, he realizes as soon as he starts looking around. Apparently, Friar Park is massive, with rooms upon rooms filled with things he can barely even recognize. All of this is his? Theirs?

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