coming out

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"Alright problem children, we need to have a conversation before class starts." Mr.Aizawa had just walked into class, but with him it looked like the whole UA staff was there.

The entire class went silent as soon as they saw Aizawa. "Yes Aizawa-sensei!" Iida piped up, but was immediately told to sit back down. "This is nothing I need help talking about, Iida"

"Three of you kids have came to me about the LGBTQ+ community and as you know, I support you all fully because I myself am a Gay man and is happily married" He looked over at Mic, who smiled at him.

"Who were the kids Aizawa-sensei?" Deku said, taking out his notebook. "Midoriya. You and I both know that it would not be right to out these people without their permission." Aizawa shut down the boy as he put his notebook back up. "Um, Aizawa-sensei?" Tokoyami said, standing up. "Yes Tokoyami?" Aizawa responded.

Shota gave Tokoyami a look that said: 'Do you want to tell them?'. Tokoyami nodded and stood up straight, adjusting his uniform. "So uh, this is rather difficult  but I myself identify as Demigender and Demisexual, to be frank I am okay with any pronouns"

The whole class looked back at the bird boy as they had a look of surprise and relief on their faces. "I am sure that was difficult for you young Tokoyami. I am proud of you." All might looked over at the boy and smiled. "Yeah...Thanks All Might..." he responded.

Sero and Kirishima looked at eachother, ever since they started at UA they talked to eachother about their experiences as a Trans man. The red haired boy stood up, egging Sero on to aswell. Sero looked at Kirishima asking him; 'Are you gonna tell them?' Kirishima nodded and looked at the teachers. "Heyo guys! Me and Sero were actually the two others that talked to Aizawa-sensei! Sero and I are actually Trans! Isn't that crazy? I myself use he/him pronouns but idk about Sero-dude"

The tape using boy glared at Kirishima. "I use he/they pronouns" to add on he said: "and I'm pansexual too." Aizawa looked at the rest of the teachers. Then back at the class.

"Class 1b is going to join us for a bit, we need to have a talk with all of you. My son Shinsou, will also be there. The big three might come but we are not sure." Aizawa said to the kids in a strict tone, sending shivers down each of the students backs.

Class 1b walked through the door in a line, with Shinsou following behind them. All of class 1a, the teachers, and class 1b was expecting a certain smart ass to make a snarky remark about class 1a. But he walked in almost looking as if they had been crying, but you couldnt be sure.

Monoma looked at Aoyama and smiled. A genuine smile, not some snarky or cocky smile. A real smile, almost soft actually. Class 1b + Shinsou sat around the room in different spots. Monoma sat next to Shinsou and Aoyama. It already surprised everyone that he smiled at The sparkle boy, but now Shinsou was tolerating a smart ass like him?

"Alright kids, settle down." Said Vlad King. Just as they had shut up, the Big Three walked through the door, Nejire smiling like a crazy person, Mirio carrying Tamaki, and Tamaki looking like he wanted to melt into the floor. They stood at the front of the class with the staff members. "Alright guys! So basically, today is one big coming out day for everyone!" Mirio said, practicality yelling causing Mina and Todoroki to flinch and close their eyes, but they quickly got their posture back.

"Us big three members will go first! I, Nejire Hado, am a Panromantic Demigirl! I use She/they pronouns if you were wondering." Nejire blurted out the whole statement very quickly, but everyone understood. "Well, I, Mirio Togata, am a Bisexual Demiboy! I use he/they pronouns btw." Mirio said showing the biggest smile ever. Tamaki stayed silent.

"Come on Amajiki! Be more confident!" Nejire said patting the nervous boys head. "I-its not th-that easy N-nejire..." Tamaki stated, moving towards the corner of the room. "Come on Tamaki! Just spit it out!" Mirio looked at the other person in the corner.

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