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1. Fuyumi (Shoto's sister) enjoys watching ice skating and loves Yuri On Ice.


2. Mina loves to ask questions and zero has no shame while asking them.


3. Shoto loves the company of little kids


4. Ever since getting attacked by the sludge villain, both Bakugou and Midoriya hate touching anything slimy or goopy, as it brings up bad feeling from that experience


5. Kouda is very well-versed in both JSL and ASL since he is selectively mute. Midoriya, Iida, and a few other classmates are trying to learn JSL for him


6. When the class moves into the dorms after the Kamino incident, some of them go to Aizawa when they have nightmares. One night, not long after they moved in, most of them are restless and wake up from nightmares, so they wake up Aizawa and All Might. They all had a movie night together. Satou, Bakugou, Momo, and All Might making snacks. Aizawa, Uraraka, Hagakure, and Mina got the comfy stuff. And Kouda brought his pet bunny for everyone to cuddle.


7. Jirou has written at least one song for each of the 1a kids. They've also written for Aizawa, All Might, Midnight, Present Mic, and Vlad King. They won't admit it but they have a lot for Momo, Kaminari, and Toru. Also, on Midoriyas birthday they wrote a song centered around All Might for him. He may or may not have cried.


8. When Ojiro is super excited or angry his tail fluff poofs up a whole lot, kinda like a cat.


9. Bnha mental disorders;

Deku - Major depressive disorder

Bakugou - oppositional defiant disorder, PTSD

Iida - autism spectrum disorder

Ochaco - bulimia nervosa

Tsuyu - dissociative fugue

Kirishima - depressive psychosis

Denki - Schizophrenia, ADHD

Jirou - Bipolar disorder

Todoroki - borderline personality disorder

Momo - perfectionism

Mineta - generalized anxiety disorder

Ojirou - attachment disorder

Satou - EDNOS

Kouda - social anxiety disorder

Mina - smiling depression

Aoyama - attention deficit disorder

Shoji - depersonalization disorder

Tokoyami - antisocial personality disorder

Sero - obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

Hagakure - anorexia nervosa

Aizawa - sleep apnea

All Might - sleep terror disorder


10. Some of Sero's compulsions:

Arranging and rearranging objects

Checking that he has not/will not harm others

Checking that he didn't make a mistake

Rereading and or rewriting

Repeating activities 8 times exactly because 8 is a "good"/"safe" amount

Counting while preforming a task to end on 8 ("safe" and "good" number)

Putting things in order until it feels right.

Telling, asking, or confessing to get reassurance


11. Some of Sero's obsessions



Fear of acting on impulse to hurt himself 

Fear of blurting out insults or obscenities

Fear of harming other because of not being careful enough

Concern about evenness or exactness

Fear of losing things

Obsessions about aggressive sexual behaviors towards others

Superstitious ideas about lucky/unlucky numbers, certain colors. (For Sero the number 3)


12. More about Ojirou's attachment disorder

His disorder was caused by his mother's anger issues and the neglect he received from his father. His dad basically ignored him at all times even though they lived in the same house. His mom ended up leaving him with his dad and sister when he was 3 years old. She came back 2 years later and keeps leaving and coming back off and on. No one in the family knows why.

To be more specific about his disorder, he has toddler attachment disordered behavior. Failure to stay near familiar adults in a strange environment or to be comforted by contact with a familiar person. The type of attachment disorder he has is RAD. "Children with RAD are less likely to interact with other people because of negative experiences with adults in their early years. They have difficulty calming down when they are stressed and do not look for comfort from their caregivers when they are upset. These children may seem to have no emotions when interacting with others. They may appear unhappy, irritable, sad, or scared while having normal interactions with their caretaker."


13. Mina's smiling depression

"Smiling depression' is a term for someone living with depression on the inside while appearing perfectly happy or content on the outside. Their public life is usually one that's "put together" maybe even what some would call normal or perfect."

On the inside:

- changes in appetite, weight, and sleeping

- fatigue or lethargy

- feelings of hopelessness, lack of self-esteem and low self-worth

- lose of interest or pleasure in doing things that were once enjoyed.

On the outside:

- an active, high-functioning individual

- a person appearing to be cheerful, optimistic, and generally happy.

Lmk if you want more headcanon, sorry if I went into to much details with some of them

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