Chapter 13 Locked up, again.

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Chapter 12 Locked up, again.

Heeeyyyyyy guys!! Sorry for the wait, I've again been busy, it was my grandpas funeral the other day. So anyway, here's chapter 12.
Enjoy! Xxx

Louis' P.O.V
I take a deep breath, and glance down at the sick I've just produced.
"Oh my god," I breath, "I'm so sorry Katie." I turn to her expecting her to be almost heaving at the sight, but she's just sitting on the mattress staring into space. "You ok? Or have I made you feel sick?" I ask, moving closer, but she doesn't move. "It's the drugs, they did say I would have a later effect, and it has, I'm still feeling a bit sick but I think that..." I trail of, realising that she still hasn't moved a muscle, she seems to be in some sort of trance or something. "Katie?" I say gently. Still nothing. I know what I have to do, this has happened before, it happened once before she had a panic attack. "Katie." I try once more before, not viciously, but shaking her enough to try and shake her out of this trance. But still nothing, I try again, no response.
It should of worked by now. "Katie. Katie? Katie!" I say growing louder each time. I didn't want to do this, but I have to, I shake her viscously this time. And finally she looks at me, her expression blank.
"I'm so sorry Louis." She says, a tear rolling down her cheek.
"Oh Katie, it's ok, just never do that again." I give a relieved sigh.
"This is all my fault, I'm so sorry."
"What? No it's not, why would you say that?" I ask.
"You heard him, my Dad told him to do this, as his revenge for me saying that I'm going with you on the world tour, and saying that I'm taking Alice. When he said, 'you'll regret that.' I should of known that he really meant it. Why did I not see something coming. I should never of been so harsh on him. This is all my fault, we're being held hostage, just like me and Alfie were, and it's my fault, again." She looks down, tears streaming down her face, some of her beautiful long, blonde hair falls over her eyes.
"No, no Katie." I say. "Don't say that, none of this is your fault. It's no ones fault." I gently remove her hair from her face, and lift her chin up, "look at me Katie." She looks at me, her eyes red and blotchy, her cheeks wet with tears. "Don't blame yourself for this. You did the right thing."
"I don't know though Lou. I- I...."
"Katie, please believe me, you're just scared, you're just putting the blame on yourself, when really the only person to blame is you're dad that idiot Nathan and his friend. You know you did the right thing. Alice is not safe with that man."
"Then why did I let him take her away?" She asks.
"You never knew, you were young."
"I've done this. I've done this to our family." She looks away.
"No. Your dad did this, everything is his fault." I say. "And as soon as we get out of here, we are getting rid of him, and Nathan and Tom or Max, whatever his name is. And it will be back to normal, and then you, me, Alfie, the boys will go on tour, and Alice." I smile.
"She hates me, she's never going to forgive me for not moving to Australia with them."
"It takes time, but it will be ok. Your sisters, you will be fine." I assure her.
"Thanks Lou." She smiles at me for a split second, then looks down again. A tear escaping, "But when are we going to get out of here, we can't, no one knows we're gone yet, and when they do, they have no idea what happened, or where we are. What about Alfie?? What are we going to do Lou? They've taken are phones we can't get out of here, we can't..." She bursts into to tears.
I give her a big and stroke her hair until she starts to calm down. After about 10 minutes she's just sniffling into my pj top. I slowly move her head towards mine, and lift her chin up so we're looking in each others eyes. "We will get out of here. I promise." I say this and I have no doubts about it but I don't know when, I don't know how, but we will, I will make sure we will. I place my lips against her and kiss her tentatively, after a few seconds, she kisses back.

Harry's P.O.V
"Harry!! Have you seen my phone?" Bella shouts from upstairs.
"No, I'll ring it, hold on" I grab my phone from my jean pocket and find Bella on my contacts, and press the call button, "It's ringing!" I shout back. I hear her ringtone, coming from the bedroom upstairs I think, for two rings then it stops, "You found it?" I ask.
"Yep thanks Haz." She calls back.
"Where was it?" I ask already laughing, I bet it was somewhere really obvious.
"It may or may not of been lying under a few bags from the shop on the bed." She says guiltily.
I laugh, "Well that was a scare, attests you found it."
"Yes ok Harry, not like you do the same thing." She calls back defensively.
"Joking Belle, love you really!" I laugh.
"Love you too, I'll be down in a minute." She says and I here the bathroom door close.
I laugh to myself, pocketing my phone, heading back to the TV with my snack, and press play on the football.
Annoyingly, my phone buzzes, I sigh and unlock it and check who it's from: Jo it reads, why is Louis' mum text me? She never does that unless something's happened. I check, my heart starting to race, the last time I got a text from Jo was when she said that the doctors thought that Katie wouldn't make it, after Jacob had shot her.
Hi Harry,
Are Louis and Katie at yours? As Alfie's back from his sleepover. If he is, he doesn't have to come back right away, but soon-ish, I've got a meeting in an hour and a half. I've been trying to call and text them, but there's no answer. Thanks.
Jo. X

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