Body Language

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20 Body Language Facts

80% of communication is really conveyed through body language. If you want to really know what someone is thinking or feeling, pay attention to the body language. 

Squinting - When people see what they don't like, feel threatened, or are unhappy, they squint their eyes. 

Arched Eyebrows - When we raise our eyebrows, it means we are contemplating what we're listening to and that we're mildly intrigued. 

Direct Eye Contact - means we're interested, we're listening, and that we're focused on you. It also conveys that we got nothing to hide. 

Blinking too much - means we're nervous or anxious 

Hands the Church Steeple - fingertips touching, palms facing apart conveys we're thinking and that we're about to make a decision or move. 

Arms Akimbo - planting your hands with your thumps backward on your hips and elbows out in a "V" shape displays dominance or authority. 

Feet facing directly the other person - It shows that we're focused on the other person. 

Crossed feet (Standing or sitting) - When we cross our feet standing or sitting down, it shows that we're comfortable or relaxed, but sometimes also defensive. 

Shaking Your Head left and right - Means you're in disagreement or disbelief 

Shaking Your Head Up and Down (nodding) - means you're agreeing 

Thumb Sucking - means the person is stressed, relieving that, and/or thinking out of mind. 

Shaking Your Legs - means you're anxious, scared or impatient 

Leaning Forward - means you're interested in the other person and want to hear more of what they say. 

Smiling - one of the universal emotions mean you're happy, comfortable and approachable. 

Tilting the head and smiling - means flirting or being playful 

Lowered head - means you're ashamed of something, shy or have something to hide. 

Looking to the side or elsewhere - means you're distracted or that you're submitting. 

Dilated Pupils - means you're interested. 

Eyes seemed far away - means they're in deep thought or dosing off. 

Mirroring - Mirroring someone's body language means they're interested in you and trying to build rapport. 

Arms Crossed - reserved, uncomfortable or defensive. Or to display dominance or authority. 

Hands on the hips - means they're impatient or aggressive or tired. 

If you enjoyed learning more about body language, you may also be interested in the following link: 

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