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I wake up expecting the carpeted floor I passed out on. I move my fingers feeling grass. The grass is moist. [;)] I sit up looking around. A girl seeming to be around my age. She has long hair that goes to around the middle of her back and it has a middle part. She has a orange shirt on and she is laying in the grass next to me. She notices me looking at her and sits up. "You're awake I see." She says in a calm voice. "Uh yeah I am how'd I get here? Where's Schlatt? Is he okay?" I spew out questions sort of panicking. She laughs softly and pats my shoulder. "Sam brung you..." I shudder at the thought. "Schlatt is fine. He is waiting on you right now he is at the van." I nod standing helping her up. She starts walking leading me to the van and  I follow. I see the van and run to it looking in the from passenger window not seeing him in the front seats. Did he leave? Did he not care enough to continue to wait. The girl looks in the back seeing him laying in the middle row of seats. I thank her and climb into the van going to the middle seat.

Oh shoot what will happen next?????? who knows

dream schlattWhere stories live. Discover now